Various types of calamities determine greater political attention to disaster management, but permanent efficient functionality of this sphere has to be the priority of the state as the guarantor of fundamental obligations to its citizens. Legal regulation sets fundations for functioning of certain system of institutions and processes, which intend to ensure proper disaster management. The article analyses theoretical aspects of disaster management in the context of public sector modernization with the distinction of traditional public administration, New Public Management, New Public Governance and Neo - Weberianism. The focus is on the acceptability of different models of public sector to disaster management. In the first part of the article, the attention is focused on the advantages and disadvantages of traditional public administration to disaster management. The second part of the article reviews the significance of the reform and the practical implications of the principles of New Public Management to disaster management. The third part of the article analyses the significance of New Public Governance discourse to disaster management and the fourth part defines the newest theoretical aspects of public administration Neo-Weberian model and its significance to increasing the efficiency of disaster management system is evaluated.