Securing of a democratic order is a vertical process (“from above downwards”) responding to the needs and concerns of certain persons and community groups and looking for the public trust, consent and support. Thus it is based on transparency and dialogue. There are social scientific and moral debates over what practices are most conducive to a democratic police (e.g., centralization vs. decentralization, specialists vs. generalists, internal vs. external controls, closeness or distance from those policed, maximum or minimum discretion, single vs. lateral entry). But it is clear that a democratic police can take many forms.
State security in the contex of different legal regimes used for state governance has been considered in this article. Administrative juridical regimes have particular role in policing in context of human rights observance.
Different administrative juridical regimes are described in this article. Special attention has been converted to classification of these regimens in dependence of mechanism of coming in force of them. Author pointed that police have rights to take decision of implementations of restrictions in the cases of extraordinary situations. In these situations in democratic states must be observed the principle of proportionality.