Integration of the foreign trade sector of the national economy at the practical level is a reform of the bilateral trade regime through the liberalization of customs-tariff and non-tariff regulation, unification of the conditions for the international movement of production factors (investments, labor), and internal regulations that have an indirect impact on the development of foreign trade relations in order to eliminate economic barriers and the creation of a single market space between the parties to the integration association. Customs regulation of the foreign trade sector plays a key role in the national security system. At the present stage, this type of integration takes the form of concluding bilateral agreements on a deep and comprehensive free trade zone, which apply, inter alia, to environmental standards, government procurement, trade aspects of intellectual property rights, and the like. Based on the analysis, it is proved that the general structure of export supplies from Ukraine to the EU continues to be of a raw material nature: 52.8% of their value are agricultural raw materials, mineral resources, and primary processing products. The most adequate expansion of a deep and comprehensive free trade zone for modern realities is the vision of the role of the state as a systemic regulator, which, on the one hand, does not resort to the policy of isolationism, and on the other hand, acts as an active participant in the processes of international economic integration and entry into the most developed markets of the countries of the world, helping to increase the level of competitiveness of the foreign trade sector of the national economy.
As a result of the conducted study, there has been solved an important scientific problem of development of theoretical and methodological foundations of building international competitiveness in the conditions of globalization of innovation activity and creation of organizational and economic tools for support of national innovation system safety in global scientific and technological space. It has been established that innovation activity in Poland is characterized by structural deformation, institutional incompleteness, inconsistency and imbalance of technological, economic, social and value aspects, as a result of which innovation processes in the country have not gained sufficient scale and are not a significant factor of GDP growth. Problems of development of national innovation systems in Poland are caused, first of all, by an unsatisfactory state of financing of the scientific sphere, as a result of which the country has lost the system capable to effectively concentrate resources on priority strategic directions of innovation development. Based on a comparative economic and mathematical analysis of the impact of variables that determine the degree of inclusion of the country in global value chains, as well as diagnostics of the competitive environment of some countries, it has been stated that, except for IT, today Poland has no competitive advantages and preconditions for inclusion in global value chains. Considering the importance of the human development index, the Chinese model of innovation development is most acceptable for the country. Considering that in addition to the financial component, one of the main reasons for slowing down innovation activity in Poland is the lack of effective links between government, business and science, there has been justified the need to develop a government innovation policy based on a combination of direct and indirect methods of innovation support. There has been stressed the importance of building a common information and scientific space with Europe, which is possible in the conditions of creation of an open national innovation system.
The article defines the role of customs regulation for ensuring the economic security of the country. The importance of a balanced customs policy in relation to international trade relations and equal development of world countries is characterized. The role of customs regulation in ensuring economic security of developed and developing countries is outlined. The analysis of differences between WTO member countries in the levels of tariff protection is conducted. The cognitive map of influence of external and internal environment on efficiency of customs regulation of a separate country is created, and the factors of influence on efficiency and quality of customs regulation in the country are defined. The algorithm of the actions of customs authorities to define the effectiveness of activities in the direction of the transformation of property rights in ensuring the economic security of the country is developed. The box model for considering customs interests in carrying out an assessment of efficiency of activity of customs authorities when ensuring economic security of the country is created. It is proven that the priorities of the transformation of the process of assessing the effectiveness of customs authorities should be to increase the transparency of the system, the public nature of the formation of information on the results of assessing the effectiveness and the development of a mechanism for ensuring economic security.
The study of synergistic laws and patterns made it possible to substantiate and explain the possibility of their transfer to the plane of the theory of management of economic security of the enterprise in order to develop tools for synergistic management of economic security of the enterprise. The definition of the concept of “economic security of the enterprise” is proposed, which represents the ability to resist it as an ectropic factor to the influence of threats to the environment, ie the supersystems (countries and industries) as an entropy factor, as well as ability to respond to threats in a coordinated way. An algorithm for substantiating the choice of strategies for managing the economic security of the enterprise has been developed; using this algorithm based on the detection of bifurcation points and their analysis, it is possible to identify the type of crisis and take into account the existence of the internal mechanism of development inherent in the economic security of the enterprise in a certain period - adaptation or bifurcation, according to which it is necessary to develop The paper emphasizes that a high level of economic security of the enterprise depends on the formation of synergistic effects, as well as on the ability to establish coherent or coordinated relationships that will lead to cooperative processes. Three types of synergetic effects resulting from management actions are considered: functional (this is a result equivalent to the sum of the component parts), positive (this is a result that exceeds the sum of the component parts) and negative (this is a result that is less than the sum of the component parts).
Based on the study of areas, content and character of the activities of the leading subjects of the human development, the imperatives of its international regulation in the provision of social safety were synthesized. The share and value of these imperatives is strengthened by the general recognition of necessity of principal changes in the formation of the world social and economical policy and building of the society with the expanded capabilities for the self-fulfillment of an educated, healthy and materially secured person. The world system of indicators of the human development index is based on the methodological recognition of the leading importance of the level and quality of life in the formation of a system for assessement of the state of human development and includes the three leading aspects of human life - material standards of life, education level and state of health. For a long time such a system yielded positive results, where the main thing was the comparison of the world’s countries with the determined indicators.