In last two decades, several authors have already proven the existence of positive relationship between generalized trust and macroeconomic growth and this paper queues up providing the evidence based on more recent data. An analysis of sustainability of the macroeconomic growth is also very important for prediction of economic development. However, the main aim of the paper is to analyse how the impact of trust on macroeconomic growth changes upon time, trying to find the answer how fast can changes in trust and other determinants be visible in changes in economic growth of countries. For this purpose, we introduced the dynamic aspect into the “Barro-type” regression growth models used by our predecessors. We can conclude, that trust is the most dynamic growth determinant, with the impact visible after 5 years. The paper also confirmed that the higher the initial level of GDP per capita (in terms of constancy of other variables in the model), the greater the decline in the growth rate. The high level of trust also allows better implementation of effective organizational innovation and knowledge transfer within the organization, since trust is also active through the channel of building the common good.