The paper addresses one of the most important elements of the government’s social functions, namely, food policies in the context of agricultural import substitution. The authors analyse the state of food security in modern Kazakhstan. National interests in the food sector are analysed, as well as the main threats and risks in ensuring food security. Having analysed the state of food security in modern Kazakhstan, the authors draw a conclusion regarding a number of issues existing today in the analysed sphere, which call for solutions.
The paper reflects on question of regional policy ensuring food security in the context of closely interrelated economic, social and ecological components. Having performed analysis of common agricultural policy, programs for rural development, impact of world trade organization, integrated product policy, question of food security monitoring, influence of multinational companies, genetically modified products, programs for food support; we come to the conclusion that to the main trends of regional policy in the sphere of food security belong: establishing interregional and international import-export food operations, creation of regional reserves of strategically important products, direct/indirect financial and consultation support of agricultural enterprises, development of infrastructure facilities for transporting, storage, distribution of products, food support for socially unprotected groups of population, promoting development of eco-oriented production, implementation of control measures for the prevention of counterfeit in the trading network, control of production and sale of genetically modified products, formation of ecologically oriented thinking population.