For any business decision, it is important to have grounded information about possible consequences of this decision. The goal of this paper is to show that performance of business companies depends on the currency regime. Therefore, decision makers have to weight decisions about currency regimes in any country, especially developing one. The author of presented paper raises a question what currency regime is better for Gorgia. In his research, on one hand, he relies on opinios of local business companies, and, on the other hand, analyses experiences of different countries, which alredy have made one or another decision in this area. The formulated insights contribute to this scientific field and may have grounded economic policy implications, facilitating economic development of Gorgia, or any other country, which is in similar path of economic development.
Clearly money is very important for any community of humans, especially for business purposes. It is well known that in modern world currencies of all developed countries have their own problems but problems of coping with own currency is much bigger in developing countries. Steve Hanke offers fixed exchange rate as a solution for developing countries. There can be some other ways too: not to have national currency, to have free currency regime, etc. Here is given a research about the currency problems of Georgian businessmen and of their opinions about how one could better cope with the currency’s problems.