In the current conditions of global competition, various regions are struggling to attract investment and human resources. The most successful are creative clusters in which a new product with increased consumer value is created. However, for the formation of creative clusters it is necessary to provide a number of conditions: tolerance, talents, technology. Tolerance implies the presence of specialists with different competencies and behaviors. A decrease in the tolerance coefficient leads not only to a risk of low susceptibility of cultural indigents from other countries, but also to a decrease in the variety of forms and ways of thinking, creative realization, selfexpression, which directly affects the country’s innovative and economic development.By the example of assessing the potential of creative clusters in Kazakhstan, it is shown that the loss of tolerance leads to a risk of a decrease in creative potential. The calculation of mathematical clustering was carried out in the STATISTICA program. The state should ensure multicultural diversity for the conditions of innovative development. By an example of assessing the potential of creative clusters in Kazakhstan, it is shown that the loss of tolerance leads to a risk of a decrease in creative potential. The state should ensure multicultural diversity for the conditions of innovative development. A decrease in tolerance directly reduces the potential for the formation of creative spaces, and is also an indicator of the risk of monocultural development, the lag of Kazakhstan in the educational, scientific and innovative spheres of the international country community.