Cited by 3
Barry Buzan’s Securitization Theory and the Case of Iraqi Kurdish Military Action Against ISIS in 2014

Exploring the Nexus Between Critical Infrastructure, Fragility and Peace Operations
Richárd Schneider
Book:  Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications (Critical Infrastructure Protection in the Light of the Armed Conflicts) (2024), p. 57
Exporting security to Africa at its most volatile: the GAR-SI Sahel project and the role of Spain’s Guardia Civil in rebuilding Sahelian security
Andrés de Castro, Adam Mayer, Rodrigo Gaona-Prieto, Clara Bañares-Martin
Journal:  African Identities (2024), p. 1
Serbia’s National Security Strategy – from where, through what and where to go
Miroslav Mitrovic
Journal:  Wschodnioznawstwo Volume 15 (2021), p. 161