Cited by 5
Climate Change Information on Internet by Different Baltic Sea Region Languages: Risks of Disinformation & Misinterpretation

Flood Risk Instruction Measures: Adaptation from the School
Álvaro-Francisco Morote, María Hernández, Saeid Eslamian
Book:  (2022), p. 313
Teaching of Climate Change in the Official Documentation: An International Review for Improving the Resilience
Álvaro-Francisco Morote, Jorge Olcina, Saeid Eslamian
Book:  (2023), p. 93
La percepción del futuro profesorado sobre los efectos del cambio climático en la biodiversidad y la bioculturalidad
Álvaro-Francisco Morote, Juan Ramón Moreno
Journal:  Revista Internacional de Comunicación y Desarrollo (RICD) Volume 4, Issue 17 (2022)
Typology of Business-Related Fake News Online: A Literature Review
Marko Selakovic, Anna Tarabasz, Monica Gallant
Journal:  GATR Journal of Management and Marketing Review Volume 5, Issue 4 (2020), p. 234
What Do School Children Know about Climate Change? A Social Sciences Approach
Álvaro-Francisco Morote, María Hernández
Journal:  Social Sciences Volume 11, Issue 4 (2022), p. 179