Cited by 3
Cooperation as a Sustainable Factor Influencing Innovation in Regional Development: the Case of the Bioeconomy in Latvia

Analytical provision for managing innovation activities within the company considering the interests of stakeholders
Oksana V. Portna, Natalia Yu. Iershova, Dina A. Tereshchenko, Tetyana Yu. Chaika, George Dubynskyi
Journal:  Acta Innovations Issue 34 (2020), p. 25
Bioeconomy imaginaries: A review of forest-related social science literature
Sara Holmgren, Dalia D’Amato, Alexandru Giurca
Journal:  Ambio Volume 49, Issue 12 (2020), p. 1860
Intellectual Property Indicators in the Mesoregions of the State of Alagoas-Brazil
Luanna Pereira de Morais, Silvana Nunes de Queiroz, Cristiano Quintino Furtado , Gabriel Francisco da Silva
Journal:  International Journal for Innovation Education and Research Volume 8, Issue 8 (2020), p. 594