Cited by 3
Sustainable Development Activities Aimed at Combating Tax Evasion in Slovakia

Effects on the Soundness of Financial-Banking Institutions and on the Business Development
Rita Remeikienė, Ligita Gaspareniene
Book:  Contributions to Finance and Accounting (Economic and Financial Crime, Sustainability and Good Governance) (2023), p. 235
Effectiveness and performance of tax system in Slovak Republic in terms of its key non-macroeconomics factors
Ján Dobrovič, Rastislav Rajnoha, Antonín Korauš
Journal:  Oeconomia Copernicana Volume 9, Issue 4 (2018), p. 617
Tax evasion in the EU countries following a predictive analysis and a forecast model for Slovakia
Ján Dobrovič, Rastislav Rajnoha, Petr Šuleř
Journal:  Oeconomia Copernicana Volume 12, Issue 3 (2021), p. 701