Cited by 3
Are the Foreign Controlled Firms More Environmentally Sustainable than Domestically Controlled Ones?

9th International Scientific Conference “Business and Management 2016”
Manuela Tvaronavičienė
Conference:  (2016)
Climate risk and corporate environmental performance: Empirical evidence from China
Xiaohang Ren, Yiying Li, Muhammad Shahbaz, Kangyin Dong, Zudi Lu
Journal:  Sustainable Production and Consumption Volume 30 (2022), p. 467
Environmental Dilemma? Explicating Stakeholder Engagement in Kenyan Firms
Edward M. Mungai, S. Wagura Ndiritu, Tazeeb Rajwani
Journal:  Journal of African Business Volume 24, Issue 3 (2023), p. 404