Cited by 3
Evaluation of Social, Economic and Fiscal Impact on Incentives of Personal Taxation in Lithuania

Assessing the Contribution of Vision 2020 Umurenge Programme on Poverty Reduction in Kigabiro Sector, Rwanda
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Journal  International Journal of Scientific Research and Management Volume 9, Issue 11 (2021), p. 2528
Fiscal policy and national saving in emerging Asia: challenge or opportunity?
Duy-Tung Bui
Journal  Eurasian Economic Review Volume 8, Issue 2 (2018), p. 305
Personal income tax as a tool for implementing state social policy
Liliia Barannyk, Olena Dobrovolska, Victoriia Taranenko, Tetyana Koriahinа, Ludmyla Rybalchenko
Journal  Investment Management and Financial Innovations Volume 18, Issue 2 (2021), p. 287