The family is a basic society unit, which provides a sense of security, love and belonging for all its members, especially children. The responsibility for the development and upbringing of the children lies with the parents. However, in a situation when a parent is incarcerated for various reasons the threats for personal emotional security increase due to disruption of contacts with relatives which is typical consequence both for parents and children. The parent’s stay in penitentiary isolation results in a significant weakening or breaking of the parental bond and contacts with the closest relatives. It is therefore stressed that maintaining contact with the family is important both for persons deprived of their liberty themselves and for their loved ones. Maintaining contact with the children is considered to be one of the most important protective factors against committing another offence and the consequent incarceration. Children brought up in families where one parent is in prison experience social and emotional disorders. Author stress that the separation of a parent and child as a consequence of parent incarceration lowers the level of self-esteem, self-acceptance, evokes a sense of shame and leads to social isolation of the child. In order to improve family relations and maintain contacts, the Prison Service should provide a number of programmes for incarcerated parents, whose main objective is to strengthen parenting skills.
The authors have investigated the features of legal support for cybersecurity in some of the leading countries of the world, have established the organizational basis for its support, as well as the main aspects of NATO and the EU’s activities and standards in this area. In particular, the essence of the concept of cybersecurity is determined by referring to the views of both foreign scientists and Ukrainian scientists, and fixing this definition in normative documents of international importance (international standard ISO/IEC 27032:2012). Actual strategic goals in the direction of ensuring cybersecurity in countries such as France, the UK, the United States, as well as the settlement of these issues at the legislative level in Ukraine are highlighted. It has been established which state bodies operate in the indicated countries, whose powers include ensuring cybersecurity. Attention is paid to the settlement of cybersecurity and cyber protection issues at the international level, in particular at the EU and NATO levels. Particular attention is paid to NATO standards – TEMPEST. The content of the norms of the current legislation of Ukraine in the field of ensuring cybersecurity and the nature of the priority tasks of the National Cyber Security Coordination Center under the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine are disclosed, which are normatively enshrined in the relevant Regulation. The features of the regulatory and organizational support of cybersecurity in some leading countries of the world and in Ukraine are structured.
Economic growths are often used to measure the development of a country. Thus, the economic growth is what every economy tries to achieve for good of everyone as a whole. In the other hand education, health and employment are one the most important tool for the economy growth. Thailand as developing countries concern about the economy growth and done an investment in through it. The general objective of this paper is to examine the relationship between education, health, employment and economic growth in Thailand from 1988 to 2017. The econometric method is used to examine the relationship between education, health, employment and economic growth. Unit root test indicate that all of the above variables are I (1). Johensen’s test was conducted to see the long run relationship between these variables. Meanwhile the relationship is test by using Ordinary Least Square and the Granger Causality test. The relationship between education with the economic growth are examine by using the literacy rate as education proxy variable. The health variable is examining by using the infant mortality rate, life expectancy and crude death rate with the GDP and the employment are examine by using the total employment rate with the GDP. As conclusion the results shows the positive relationship between the three variables with the economic growth and suggestion to the Thailand economic to do more investments in this variable. The findings of this study can be used to generate concrete policy reform suggestion and also used as guideline or example for other developing countries.
The wider awareness and recognition of human security threats has developed over the last several decades. Spurred on by globalization, greater human mobility, global media, economic interconnectedness and technological advancements, the securitization of non-military security threats have deepened and widened security discourses. The percieved risk posed by truly global threats have resulted in new international regimes and cooperation, national governments have reevaluated their national security strategies, and grassroots movements have revealed and mobileized individuals around the world to action. Global health security threats, and in particular, pandemic diseases, are one just one of many threats currently facing the global community that has the potential to envoke fear and feelings of insecurity and panic, particularly when securitized through twenty four hour news networks and social media. The purpose of this study is to explore the securitization process of a health security threat, the 2014 Ebola outbreak, and risk perceptions of individuals living in a global city geographically distant from the outbreak. This study reports the findings from interviews with eleven individuals based in the United Arab Emirates to explore their individual risk perceptions of the outbreak of the Ebola virus, and to understand how information about the outbreak was obtained, processed and consequently construed by these individuals. The findings suggested that with the increasing securitization of diseases, individual risk perceptions of the 2014 Ebola outbreak were a reflection of a variety of discourses concerning the security issue at the national and global levels. Therefore, in light of the increasing emergence and re-emergence of pandemic diseases and transborder global threats, it is important to consider individual perceptions of the threats and the influence of government, media (traditional and social media), and individual experiences in a global and interconnected world.
The presented paper aims to discuss new Lithuania’s in role taking presidency of the EU and to evaluate Lithuania’s development process. State of Lithuanian economy is being presented; aims of further development are identified. The context of other European countries is being taken into account. Authors rely on critical analysis of contemporary scientific literature and comparative statistics. Among driving forces affecting process of economic development investments of foreign origin and increasing level of education are being distinguished. Insights considering a role of the latter driving forces are being offered.