The article deals with the problem of future development threats based on the methodology of industry foresight. As an empirical basis for this direction of forecasting, the authors study the mining and metallurgical complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan as a leading factor in the development of the entire national economy. The study is a pilot and focuses on assessing the risks that have formed that could pose a serious threat to the development of the industry, the economy and the country as a whole in the future. Summarizing the world experience in applying the foresight methodology, the authors use it to predict the security and sustainability of development in the medium-term. Using the risk mapping method, the authors identify safety zones in the development trends of the mining and metallurgical industry. The assessment of threats and risks also highlights the leading actors that affect the development of the industry. The main risks for Kazakhstan’s mining and metallurgical enterprises are the lack or shortage of local labor and its low skills. Automation of production processes and digitalization of production are becoming the leading trends in the development of the industry. The problem of improving the quality of workforce training and mastering the necessary skills by specialists is a serious threat to the development of the industry. The authors suggest using foresight tools not only to assess risks, but also to prevent their development into future threats.
For any business decision, it is important to have grounded information about possible consequences of this decision. The goal of this paper is to show that performance of business companies depends on the currency regime. Therefore, decision makers have to weight decisions about currency regimes in any country, especially developing one. The author of presented paper raises a question what currency regime is better for Gorgia. In his research, on one hand, he relies on opinios of local business companies, and, on the other hand, analyses experiences of different countries, which alredy have made one or another decision in this area. The formulated insights contribute to this scientific field and may have grounded economic policy implications, facilitating economic development of Gorgia, or any other country, which is in similar path of economic development.
This paper tackles the asymmetry of economic interests and geopolitics between developed and developing countries. Currently, the geopolitics presupposes that the majority of novel technologies are devised and designed in developed countries with their subsequent transfer to the developing countries. Moreover, in the context of the global crisis, the issue of de-dollarization is relevant from the political and economic points of view. Our specific focus is on the small oil countries and the issue how to get off the oil needle in the painless way. Furthermore, the paper analyzes the rise of cryptocurrency that is envisaged as the substitute of the U.S. dollar which has been the world most dominating currency for the last several decades.
This paper considers the global asymmetry which has the greatest impact on countries with economies dependent on energy exports. In the light of the diminishing returns from the sale of oil, we examine the ways for escaping this asymmetry. The authors consider the geopolitical asymmetry stemming from the dominance of the U.S. dollar, analyze the political situation and offer the pathways for the development of those economies where oil become an obstacle for economic development. The paper examines the ways of solving the above-mentioned problem by other states in detail and conduct the comparative analysis of the above issues in relation to the economy of Azerbaijan. From this case study we conduct a comparative analysis of the developed and developing countries taking into account the economic asymmetry and global economic and financial security.
The article analyzes the expression of emotions and their management in negotiations in the aspect of coherence and stability. Even in the first half of the twentieth century and in the middle, negotiations meant modest, reserved conversation of unfeeling gentlemen, assuming that all behavior associated with the negotiation is rational from the beginning to the end. Emotions were seen just as a brake of the negotiation process and effectiveness. An attempt was made to create a rational negotiating environment in which there is no place to emotions. The research shows that emotions can play a crucial role in negotiating communication and in decision–making (about 80% of the decisions are adopted on the basis of emotions). It is therefore necessary to learn how to manage emotions in negotiations – both tactical and strategic and ensuring consistency and emotional stability of behavior. The paper based on the analysis of scientific literature, systematic, comparative, logical and synthesis methods tries to disclose the key aspects of the emotional expression in negotiations, justifying the need, opportunities and ways to manage the emotions of the negotiating process.