The Review of the Russian Military Policy: Old Mythology, Today‘s Threats, Future Prospects
Volume 3, Issue 1 (2005), pp. 159–186
Pub. online: 1 December 2005
Type: Article
Open Access
1 December 2005
1 December 2005
In the article it is reviewed the Russian military policy in the period of the years 2003-2004. It is tried to reveal the evolution o nature and the latter peculiarities of the military policy of Russian Federation (RF). There are presented quite a few instances of the Russian military policy‘s inconsequence as well as duplicity.
Due to the extent of the subject there are reviewed not all, but only the most important and for the Baltic region the biggest impact doing or being able to do aspects of the Russian military policy: the changes in the Russian military doctrine, the nature of the RF military reform, the role of the strategic nuclear forces and the tactical nuclear weapons in the Russian military strategy, the development of the military - industrial complex, the peculiarities of the military collaboration with other nations, regional structures of the regional and political - military blocs.
The most attention is given to the Russian military policy in the CIS space, to the Russian role in the Organisation of the Collective Security Treaty Organisation and to the Russia-Belarus military collaboration, while analysing this phenomenon as one of the means of the RF military policy implementation. There is also briefly discussed the Russian military strategy of the latter years in the Baltic region.