Włókiennicza Street in Łódź is currently undergoing a revitalisation process, which is also to include specific social activities for its residents. The revitalisation aims to raise the urban and architectural standard of this street, formerly known as Kamienna Street. The author describes Włókiennicza Street’s cultural transformation in the context of the theory of the relationship between the physical environment and crime. In particular, the author analyses the transformation from a street of wealthy residents to a street that is notorious for crime and poverty, and the contemporary hopes for changing the character of this part of the city as a result of a revitalisation project. Based on this, he raises the question about the necessary pedagogical and social measures in addition to strictly architectural measures.
This paper outlines various issues concerning education of Prison Guard officers in the security system of the Second Polish Republic. The subsequent parts of the paper highlight a short outline of the history of the Polish prison system in the years 1918-1939, the functioning of the Prison Guard in the Second Polish Republic, as well as training methods employed by the organisation. The issues highlighted in the paper address key aspects concerning Prison Guard education. The first part of the article offers a broader outline of the issue at hand, showcasing some of the characteristic elements of the Polish penitentiary system in the years 1918-1939, in particular in the 1920s, which were particularly difficult for the reborn Polish state, as the Second Polish Republic had to face various challenges concerning its external and internal security. This, of course, had its impact on the condition of the Polish prison system, as the newlyestablished penitentiary system faced various problems and issues. The terrible shape of the buildings, poorly trained staff and dire conditions faced by prisoners serving their sentences led the state authorities to undertake the painstaking task of creating an efficient penitentiary system from scratch. From the point of view of the entire interwar period, this task can be deemed successful, as the state of prisons in the 1920s was significantly worse compared to the 1930s. The training and education of Prison Guard officers was an integral and inseparable part of the development of the Polish penitentiary system. This paper outlines the educational process and subsequent forms of schools educating and training future prison guards. What is more, it also highlights their main objectives, the subjects taught and the figures of lecturers responsible for teaching individual subjects, concluded with a summary.