User identifiers for financial transactions are widely used for personal identification numbers (PINs). PIN numbers are deposited at ATMs, card payments at POS terminals and electronic banking services. Bank card (ATM) credit card fraud has dramatically increased over the last decade. When analyzing the most common attacks and the reasons for successful frauds, it is clear that the main problem is PIN authentication, which itself does not produce any security features (except for the use of stars). This means that security is based solely on user behaviour. Research has focused on areas where personal protection and security is most failing, and that’s where the user is carrying a PIN along with a credit card, whether he or she changed the PIN on the payment card, and whether the PIN does not specify the date or year of his birth.
Since the mid-1990s, enterprise resource plannig (ERP) information systems have been installed in thousands of companies worldwide. A growing number of studies and research papers show that information systems have a significant role in the sustainable economic development assuring economic competitiveness. Modern enterprise performance management shares a strong strategic and sustainable orientation of management focused on further strategic growth and business development with parallel use of information and all highly sophisticated knowledge resulting from modern enterprise information technology. The paper focuses on research findings related to information processes and their impact on overall entrepreneurship performance. The most important results show that the companies from the selected industrial segments in Slovakia have a strong focus on the application of innovation procedures and specific business information systems. The results bring the findings that business intelligence (BI) is based on information and knowledge with a high added value has a positive long-term and sustainable effect on the overall entrepreneurship performance. By application of selected management tools such as ERP, BI information systems and others, it can be achieved a higher entrepreneurship performance of industry companies in Slovakia and EU. We believe that our study presented in this paper contributes to explore a new dimension to the existing view on business information systems in industrial companies. More detailed research results are presented in this paper.
The aim of the paper is to point out the tax system and activity of tax authorities at carrying out a control activity and as well as the activity of its bodies in order to eliminate tax evasions and tax frauds for a sustainable development of state economy. We pay attention to tax systems and deal with tax frauds. We assume that there is no correlation between the number of registered taxpayers and the total tax collection. We also assume that the majority of findings from the tax controls that were carried out will be on VAT whereas there is no correlation between the findings of VAT controls and the number of tax controls carried out. We refer to the importance to strengthen the battle against tax frauds and tax evasions in Slovakia and the aim is to point out the current tax collection and the overall tax administration in the Slovak Republic with the focus on value added tax (VAT). The final part consists of the proposals for the possibilities to combat against tax frauds and tax evasions more effectively.
In accordance with the rise and rapid growth in e-commerce in the past few decades, the use of payment cards for online purchases has significantly increased in the payment cards market. This situation has led to an explosion in payment card fraud and it is costing billions of euros and dollars in losses in the card payment industry. The understanding of security has therefore undergone a significant development. Due to the inaccurate evaluation of their personal security status, people tend to underestimate the safety features related to the protection of their financial data on the internet. This claim is supported by the high level of interest that cyber attackers show in persons operating in the public and economic spheres. The collection and data analysis carried out suggests that the target sample group has not had experience with cyber-attacks, predominantly because this group was made up of ‘ordinary’ people, presumably outside of the cyber attackers’ sphere of interest. It is therefore important to further investigate the opinion and consumer approach to security and payment card fraud. As a result of rising losses, financial institutions and card issuers are constantly searching for new technologies and innovations in payment card fraud detection and prevention. This article provides several views on personal safety and quality of security to payment cars and cyber- attacks.The data collection and analysis was carried out in Slovakia via electronic sample surveys. With sample surveys the data is collected from a base sample unit, which in this case consisted of a sample of residents of the Slovak Republic. The research sample for this investigation consisted of 287 respondents, out of which there were 164 men (57,14%) and 123 women (42,86%). For the purposes of the analysis, the respondents were divided into categories, based on their age, level of education and occupation. The study results can help the issuers of payment cards and banks as well as clients using payment cards, especially in order to improve the prevention against fraud and the unauthorised use of payment cards.
Due to the rise and rapid growth in e-commerce in recent years, the use of payment cards for online purchases has dramatically increased the credit and debit cards market. This situation has led to an explosion in payment card fraud and it is causing billions of euros and dollars in losses in the card payment industry.
In addition to direct losses, the brand may be affected by fraud-induced decrease in consumer confidence. It is therefore important to know the opinion and consumer approach to security and payment card fraud. As a result of rising losses, financial institutions and card issuers are constantly searching for new technologies and innovations in payment card fraud detection and prevention.
This article provides several views on personal safety and quality of security that banks devote to payment cards and payment systems and the related research was carried out in an electronic form by means of selective examination in Slovakia in 2015. The study group consisted of 287 respondents, of whom 164 were men and 123 were women. The respondents were categorised by their age, education and job.
The study results can help the issuers of payment cards and banks as well as clients using payment cards, especially in order to increase the prevention of misusage of payment cards and fraud.
We based our research on existing functional organizational structures and systems of financial administration of Slovakia. We worked on the assumption that improvement of effectiveness of the system of optimal tax collection was necessary for sustainable development of Slovak socio-economic system as such. Based on the current trends analysis we assume that a forthcoming tax and customs administration reform would significantly increase the effectiveness of the system and as a result it would also lead to a more positive view of taxes as socially unpopular obligations. By this process, Slovakia aims at effective tax system, which can lead to increase in efficiency and higher competitiveness of our state among EU countries. Based on the survey in three Slovak regions and by factor analysis we want to analyze the structure of following social factors: collection of contributions and accessibility, competency of tax administration employees, electronization of tax administration, effectiveness of tax collection, labor costs, and administrative burden of tax administration. These are considered to be hidden reasons of mutually correlated variables. The aim is to explain and clarify the observed correlations. It can lead to improvement of the conditions of tax collection for taxpayers when they can use electronic form of their declarations of contributions and taxes (taxes, contributions: social security and health insurance) based on which the state can distribute via a unique identifier the funds to individual institutions.