The Green Corridor concept represents a cornerstone in the development and implementation of integrated and sustainable transport solutions based on trans-nationality, multi-modality and a high involvement of public and private stakeholders, including the political level. Hence, the implementation and management of a Green Transport Corridor is connected with a variety of risks due to the high level of complexity and the strong frame conditions of the concept. E.g. stakeholders’ violation of ecological and sustainable obligations might jeopardize the achievement of defined green targets and therefore hinder the implementation of a Green Transport Corridor system. For this reason, it is important to regard possible risks in advance in order to apply adequate measures and reduce the impact in time.
The paper addresses the research questions what kind of risks might occur in Green Transport Corridors and how they can be classified. The empirical results of this paper investigate the risks that might occur in Green Transport Corridors and classify them into the three categories economical, ecological and social risks. Based on this analysis the development of a comprehensive risk management concept for Green Transport Corridors has been started.