In spite of relatively well-established literature on efficiency and effectiveness (Mouzas, 2006; Guisso et al, 2003; Sarulienė and Vilkas, 2011; Ribeiro-Soriano, 2017; and etc.) and on communication efficiency and effectiveness (Hovland, 2005; Macnamara, 2016; Ferguson et al, 2016; and etc.), the scarcity of literature with concrete recommendations related to communication in civil service organizations during the time of change makes this topic relevant and value-adding to economies that undergo major reforms and transformation. Civil service systems (including communication models) differ from one category of countries to another. While innovation-driven economies, such as the UK, the USA, Australia, Canada, are clear leaders in terms of communication efficiency in civil service organizations (actively applying modern technologies and Government to Citizen model), efficiency-driven economies, such as Lithuania, Croatia, Georgia and Malta, are still focusing on development of efficient communication systems (via modern technologies, innovation processes, and stronger co-operation with stakeholders). This topic becomes even more relevant in status and hierarchy-driven organizations. The research question is how to enhance communication efficiency within civil service organizations of tall hierarchy and create bigger value-added to society during the time of change. The publication is relevant to Lithuania and other CEEC countries, due to fast transformation of their economies. Moreover, the role of emerging new technologies should be acknowledged, as communication becomes more transformational, interactive and co-operation-driven. Efficiency-driven economies are experiencing continuous improvement of management processes; thus, they need to address many communication-related challenges, such as: how to engage society and build community, how to reach synergy effect among stakeholders, or how to apply modern technologies and interactive communication tools when social trust is insufficient. The present research is based on combination of scientific literature analysis and semi-structured expert interviews with 20 specialists of Lithuanian civil service organizations. The communication efficiency matrix in civil service organizations is developed, while summarizing research and scientific literature analysis results. The case of Lithuanian civil service organizations and the provided recommendations will serve as a useful tool among experts of policy-making, governmental programs or within strategy development and execution area in public administration organizations.
The present article is to examine benefits of social capital for innovation capabilities in the modern business world. First of all, the concept of social capital and its role are defined referring to a set of scientists’ interpretations on social capital and economic/ social development. This chapter allows an ingenious acknowledgement of the added-value of social capital to companies. The main patterns of innovation capabilities are revealed, followed by the methodology and research results presented. The paper emphasizes social capital as a driving factor for organizations while conducting innovations. In line with such elements of social capital as trust, social networks and norms that emerge as the driving factors within the literature review, the research, based on the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) methodology, mainly focuses on three elements of social capital: trust, norms and networks in Lithuanian companies. The research question: how such social capital elements as trust, norms and networks help organizations to innovate sustainably.
The aim of the present article is to investigate the role of sustainable innovation strategies on competitive advantages of Lithuanian biotechnology companies. The entire Lithuanian biotechnology market is targeted via the conduction of semi-structured qualitative interviews, consecutively carried out in 2011 and 2012. The methodological solution to introduce the time perspective in the research elucidates the importance of the sustainability in innovation processes as there could be the progress and the continuity in the implementation of innovation strategies observed among sample companies. There is the increasing number of discussions about innovations and the performance of organizations. The success of an innovative activity depends on the complex of human and financial resources, organizational, managerial, technical and other factors. Though competitive advantages cover a vast spectrum of aspects, they all are inter-related and dependent on a great number of factors and measures. The innovation strategy could help to reach target results and to provide a synergy effect. Main reasons for the creation and deployment of innovations should also be the increasing competition, rapidly evolving technology and changing consumers’ expectations. Such factors as the human capital emerges as the key driver of high-tech industries because people involved in innovative activities are characterized by their competencies, motivation and willingness to act in different circumstances. It should not be forgotten the importance of the continuity of innovation processes and long-term strategic directions. The research question: are sustainable innovation strategies necessary for competitive advantages of Lithuanian biotechnology companies? Firstly, there is the concept and classification of innovations presented; it is continued by the revelation of main features of innovation management and success factors of the commercialization of innovations. These chapters are followed by the identification of companies’ competitive advantages and the analysis of sustainable strategic human resource management. Finally, there are main characteristics of the biotechnology sector underlined and the research (2011 and 2012) results on a sustainable development of competitive advantages via the innovation strategy presented.
The aim of the present article is to examine parameters of product innovations that could lead to a successful expansion of international companies to the innovation-driven market. The case of the European mobile technology company in the Korean market is analyzed by introducing a market research method and demonstrating what sort of mobile phone could be designed for the South Korean youth. Companies often declare focusing on stronger marketing and sales efforts in one particular business area or geographical region via creating, testing and introducing a new product. The reasons for failures in foreign markets in many cases are related to the lack of knowledge of this region, wrong choice of the product as well as the incapability to choose a right innovation and expansion strategy. It should not be forgotten that a technological product innovation is more readily adopted by the firms that have a market penetration strategy and hope to gain a direct advantage over the competition. The level of technological intensity, user-friendliness, style, cultural aspects, loyalty to native products as well as the level of integration of customers and clients in innovation or marketing processes are important factors while expanding to foreign markets.
The research question: are product innovations necessary for international companies in expansion to innovation-driven markets? Firstly, there is the country profile presented in the context of transformation to the knowledge-based economy; it is continued by classifications of innovations and product design. These chapters are followed by the presentation of the European mobile company ‘X’, which is a good sample of companies that could find results of the present market research of significant interest. Finally, there are main preferences regarding mobile phones, collected by the online survey, where Korean citizens from 15 to 40 years old were interrogated, revealed; the answer to the research question is provided and a new product for the European mobile technology companies designed.