Straipsniu siekiama nustatyti sąsajas tarp įvykių, kurie veikia Lietuvos ir Lenkijos strateginį bendradarbiavimą ir apibrėžti svarbiausius bendradarbiavimo kaitos aspektus, išanalizuoti pastarojo meto Lietuvos ir Lenkijos santykių iššūkius. Tyrimo tikslui įgyvendinti išsikelti uždaviniai: 1) išanalizuoti strateginės partnerystės ir politinio dialogo raidą dvišaliuose santykiuose; 2) išnagrinėti saugumo ir gynybos politikos ir ekonominių projektų svarbą valstybėms bendradarbiaujant; 3) įvertinti tautinių mažumų aspektą dvišalių santykių kontekste. Tyrimo autoriai siekia apžvelgti pagrindinius vidinius ir išorinius veiksnius, darančius įtaką Lietuvos ir Lenkijos dvišaliam bendradarbiavimui. Straipsnyje naudojami tyrimo metodai: vieši pareigūnų pasisakymai, dokumentų analizė ir žiniasklaidos formuojamas diskursas. Pagrindinės analizės sritys yra politinio dialogo raida, strateginis bendradarbiavimas, saugumo ir gynybos politika, bendradarbiavimas ekonomikos ir energetikos srityse ir tautinių mažumų problematika dvišaliuose santykiuose. Mokslinių tyrimų lygmenyje trūksta Lietuvos ir Lenkijos strateginio ir bendradarbiavimo bendrumų ir skirtumų analizės.
The paper aims at identifying relations between the events which influence Lithuanian-Polish strategic cooperation, defining principal aspects of cooperation dynamics, and analysing recent challenges in relations between Lithuania and Poland. For the purpose of analysis the following objectives have been set: 1) to analyse the development of strategic partnership and political dialogue in bilateral relations; 2) to evaluate the importance of security, defence policy, and economic projects in cooperation between the states; 3) to assess the aspect of ethnic minorities in the context of bilateral relations. The authors of the paper seek to review the principal internal and external factors which affect bilateral cooperation between Lithuania and Poland. The following methods of analysis are used in the paper: public statements made by officials, document analysis and discourse formed by the media. The key areas of analysis are the development of political dialogue, strategic cooperation, security and defence policy, economic and energy cooperation, and questions of ethnic minorities in bilateral relations. Presently in the field there is a lack of thorough investigation of similarities and differences of strategic cooperation between Lithuania and Poland.
This article demonstrates how Kashmir conflict between India and Pakistan change regional security dynamic in South Asia. The formation of regions, intensification and importance of regional power is interesting for different kind of scientists, including political analysts, due to the changing values of national nations in a global world and due to the power separation between members of international system. Regional nations, which are analyzed, are one of the most rapidly growing markets, what is more, a lot of important changes in politics, which give the world a tumble of particular tendencies, happens in these countries. All things considered, it is important to get information about processes which happens in Southern Asia, especially, in India which is a regional power. The article analyzes how regional security system in South Asia. Analysis of regional security dynamic in India-Pakistan conflict demonstrates how organization serves the purpose of enhancing the efficiency of transactions among states, but the ambiguity in them also functions as a tool to manage distribution of power.