The study of synergistic laws and patterns made it possible to substantiate and explain the possibility of their transfer to the plane of the theory of management of economic security of the enterprise in order to develop tools for synergistic management of economic security of the enterprise. The definition of the concept of “economic security of the enterprise” is proposed, which represents the ability to resist it as an ectropic factor to the influence of threats to the environment, ie the supersystems (countries and industries) as an entropy factor, as well as ability to respond to threats in a coordinated way. An algorithm for substantiating the choice of strategies for managing the economic security of the enterprise has been developed; using this algorithm based on the detection of bifurcation points and their analysis, it is possible to identify the type of crisis and take into account the existence of the internal mechanism of development inherent in the economic security of the enterprise in a certain period - adaptation or bifurcation, according to which it is necessary to develop The paper emphasizes that a high level of economic security of the enterprise depends on the formation of synergistic effects, as well as on the ability to establish coherent or coordinated relationships that will lead to cooperative processes. Three types of synergetic effects resulting from management actions are considered: functional (this is a result equivalent to the sum of the component parts), positive (this is a result that exceeds the sum of the component parts) and negative (this is a result that is less than the sum of the component parts).
Romania’s membership of NATO and the European Union has many advantages, but also risks for each of them. Romania continues to strengthen its position and role within NATO and the EU. Romania has shown that it is a loyal and credible partner in its relationship with all international organizations. Romania’s strategic documents with NATO and the EU are well structured and clear. These include mission, vision, strategic objectives and ways of cooperating with each other, as well as the financial, material, human and informational resources needed to implement them. The objective of our research was to identify the main threats, risks and vulnerabilities of Romania as a NATO member state. The analysis has led to the discovery of new ways of reducing risks and threats, as well as solving the major vulnerabilities of Romania. The research is based on the National Defense Strategy, the Romanian Armed Forces Endowment Plan for the period 2019-2028 and other strategic documents underpinning the development of the cooperation between Romania and NATO. Within the analysis process the main threats, risks and vulnerabilities of Romania in relation to NATO were identified. Based on the analysis carried out, several ways of action are proposed through which Romania can strengthen its defense and security capabilities. The results of the research are relevant both theoretically and practically because they show the major changes that Romania has made after entering NATO and the exceptional performances achieved both in the development of the defense and security capability and in fulfilling the commitments assumed by Romania with NATO and other organizations it belongs to.
Despite the rising recognition and a growing body of literature on sustainability issues in the military, no comprehensive and systematic review on the topic has been published yet. Accordingly, the aim of this paper was to deconstruct the topic of sustainability in the military context by exploring its genesis, state-of-the-art knowledge and future prospects. Furthermore, the study addressed the question of practical importance about where sustainability in the military is ad hoc or institutionalized into management processes and procedures of organizations. The paper relied on the systematic literature review and used a bibliometric data analysis: citation network and keyword network analysis techniques were employed to select, analyse and interpret the genesis and prospects in the field.
The data suggest there are three dominating research streams in the field: (1) environmentally sustainable solutions, (2) economic (un) sustainability of militarization and (3) social cohesion. The recent research on sustainability in the military marks a new trend where all three fields of sustainability are being integrated. It is also apparent form the analysis that a small but significant share of publications indicates institutionalization of sustainability in the military practice. This is particularly evident in relation to environmental issues.
The purpose of this paper is to investigate how learning in collaboration can support the development of sustainability competence in the military. The concept of sustainability in the military is controversial; nevertheless, requirements for more conscious decisions regarding economics, environment and society issues enter military practice and require rethinking the processes of military education and development. The application of computer-supported collaborative learning brings new opportunities in overcoming controversy of sustainability in the military and at the same time puts forward the solutions and skills for implementations of sustainability in the military.
Instead of using traditional approach towards sustainability as an interaction of the following three components: economic viability, social welfare and environmental protection, we described sustainability in the military as a composition of mission, management of installations and stakeholders, operations and maintenance, environment protection and quality of life. According to these categories, e-learning platform was developed. The core of this platform is the formal learning curriculum, which serves as a shell under which a variety of practices can be introduced to address the desired training objectives. The complex solution was accomplished with computerfacilitated collaborative learning that enables teem-working, collaboration and peer-assessment. Computer-facilitated collaborative learning supports social interaction in the learning system and sustains group-work within a variety of decision-making frameworks. Those features of the learning system are very important considering the controversy and complexity of sustainability in the military.
The aim of the paper is to review the international organizations’ approaches to the measurement of sustainable development and explore the system of indicators provided by the considered organizations. The systems of proposed indicators to measure sustainable development are being juxtaposed, specific features, advantages and disadvantages revealed. Organizations for sustainable development were founded to review progress at the international, regional and national levels in the implementation of sustainable development policy, to take part in legislative process, to control balance between economic development, social development, and environmental development.