Globalization as a modern process is accelerating in the whole world, and this process contributes to both -progress and various negative phenomena in society. One of these negative phenomena is transnational criminality, which is increasingly impacting also Latvia. For that reason, this problem is investigated in this paper, in order to understand how the Latvian state may take advantage of the potential of globalization to reduce the consequences of this globalization, which become apparent in the form of transnational criminality. This paper analyses a number of concepts related to the research area, such as „globalization”, „transnational crime/ criminality” and others. The discussion about the impact of globalization on immigration and how it affects the transnational criminality is also one of the issues of his paper. The purpose of this paper is also to investigate the impact of globalization on drug-related crimes, as well as the issues of prevention of these crimes in relation to the Republic of Latvia under the influence of modern globalization. The paper explores the potential for international cooperation in the fight against transnational criminality, as well as deals with ways of further improvement of this transnational cooperation to make it more effective in reducing of transnational criminality. The above mentioned paper could serve as a theoretical insight into various problems, which the law enforcement bodies have in practice, when they have to deal with different aspects of transnational criminality. This paper also explores the problems that may arise when the officers of these institutions have to cooperate internationally in detecting transnational organized crimes and, thereby, to learn from this cooperation, so that this international cooperation between the law enforcement institutions of Latvia and other countries will ensure more better results in the future.
The methodological foundations of the formation of analytical support for public administration of cybersecurity have been improved. Based on a combination of hierarchical and non-hierarchical clustering methods using the IBM SPSS Statistics package, the country’s regions have been grouped into four clusters, which is the basis for adjusting the priorities of the state cybersecurity policy, a well-grounded approach when choosing means and instruments of influence at the regional level. In modern doctrine and practice of international law, the issues of qualification of cyber warfare remain controversial. There are approaches to justify the application of international humanitarian and criminal law. The most justified, in our opinion, is the qualification of cyber warfare as a violation of the UNO Charter and the use of force, and in some cases – the crime of aggression. The substantive rules of the institution of international cooperation in the fight against cybercrime determine the special principles of this kind of cooperation, the criminalization of certain types of illegal acts, as well as institutional mechanisms and capacity building. The system of international combating cybercrime is based on the principles of technical neutrality, multi-stakeholderism (public-private partnerships), as well as the equivalence of human rights online and offline. In the future, cybercrime will be associated with the use of innovative technologies. As it has been established by the example of the Internet of things, the latest technology, as a general rule, is included in the scope of existing international agreements on cybercrime, but there is no special regulation for them. We propose formal consolidation of the provision on “emergent technologies” in the texts of international legal acts in the field of combating cybercrime. First of all, this concerns the future UNO Convention on the fight against cybercrime, which should also provide for an additional body, such as the T-CY Committee under the Council of Europe Convention, which will provide clarification on the application of the agreement in specific changed circumstances.
The article is devoted to study of information security as a challenge of modern development of information and computer technologies. It was found that achievement of a satisfactory level of information security, which is a state of safety of balanced important interests of an individual, society and state against internal and external threats in the information sphere, is possible based on economic, organizational, technical, legal, psychological and other methods. Existing threats to the information security in Ukraine have been identified. The concept and essence of hybrid war as one of the threats to protection of information interests of an individual, society and the state are considered separately. A conclusion was made about the expediency of supplementing the Information Security Doctrine of Ukraine with such a threat as a hybrid war, which actually takes place in the east of the country. A system of information security components in Ukraine has been disclosed, among which a particular attention has been paid to the Ministry of Information Policy of Ukraine and the State Agency for Electronic Governance of Ukraine. In order to improve the mechanism of protection of the information space of Ukraine, it is proposed to differentiate at the legislative level the concepts of “information security” and “cybersecurity”, since their understanding is the basis for the formulation and implementation of the state information policy, improve international cooperation between states to exchange experience, as well as to involve general public to protect the information space.
In the epoch when terrorism and other serious crimes are cross-border problem, both the European Union and its Member States are responsible to their citizens for full ensuring of area of their internal security. Criminal offences against property or property crimes endanger the property of individuals and legal entities, as well as jeopardize their property interests. Consequently, the property rights, which are jeopardized by the crimes, are guaranteed by the State and are ensured by the Law Enforcement Authorities. Quantitatively, the largest group of criminal offences is composed by the crimes that can only be done on purpose of greediness, and most of them express themselves as the unlawful expropriation of the unfamiliar property from the lawful possession, in order to deal with that asset as their own. Such crimes are theft, robbery, extortion, fraud, and they together form more than half of all offences committed. For their research, the authors of the article have chosen the crimes with high public hazard degree from the offences against property. These offences are most of all affected by the globalization processes in the world, and they are: crimes related to a transport vehicle as a threat object; thefts from cultural objects where the objects of danger are churches or religious articles; modern frauds, when during their realization modern technical tools and new technologies are used. During the research, the co-author of the article – Prof. Dr. Jānis Ivančiks, has deceased suddenly. However, the years of joint work, discussions and scientific disputes, that accompanied the writing of this article and other written works allow co-authors to maintain the position and scientific views of this outstanding scientist in the field of forensic investigations and operational activities of special divisions. The authors show in this work the creative activity in the field of legal norms which affect personal property of individuals and their feeling, when the lawmakers eliminate the unnecessary rules, create new or improve existing ones in accordance with the country’s political, economic situation and globalization processes.
Since the mid-1990s, enterprise resource plannig (ERP) information systems have been installed in thousands of companies worldwide. A growing number of studies and research papers show that information systems have a significant role in the sustainable economic development assuring economic competitiveness. Modern enterprise performance management shares a strong strategic and sustainable orientation of management focused on further strategic growth and business development with parallel use of information and all highly sophisticated knowledge resulting from modern enterprise information technology. The paper focuses on research findings related to information processes and their impact on overall entrepreneurship performance. The most important results show that the companies from the selected industrial segments in Slovakia have a strong focus on the application of innovation procedures and specific business information systems. The results bring the findings that business intelligence (BI) is based on information and knowledge with a high added value has a positive long-term and sustainable effect on the overall entrepreneurship performance. By application of selected management tools such as ERP, BI information systems and others, it can be achieved a higher entrepreneurship performance of industry companies in Slovakia and EU. We believe that our study presented in this paper contributes to explore a new dimension to the existing view on business information systems in industrial companies. More detailed research results are presented in this paper.