Network Capital Phenomenon and its Posibilities under the Influence of Development of Information and Communication Technologies
Volume 6, Issue 4 (2017), pp. 585–604
Pub. online: 30 June 2017
Type: Article
Open Access
30 June 2017
30 June 2017
Network capital is a little explored phenomenon, but it is difficult to imagine the existence of man and society without networking effect. Network capital is a special type of social capital, its new branch in the e-society, the result of scientific and technical progress, in particular, the development of information and communication technologies (ICT). Network capital has a huge impact on the formation of modern society, accelerating and facilitating the development of globalization process and processes of global resource sharing and redistribution. Due to this positive influence, it blurs boundaries between global and local problems, creating new opportunities beyond the limitations of space or time, contributing to the economic development of enterprises at the local, regional and global level. Thereby becomes topical the necessity for a more efficient management of network capital, as well as the need to develop methods of its measurement and analysis. In the first part of the paper, authors examined the relevance of network capital phenomenon and generalized examples of its use in the modern e-society. In the second part of the article authors identified place of network capital in the context of aggregate capital, conducted a literature review, summarizing the main principles and concepts of network capital theory. The literature review showed that the role and possibilities of network capital development are poorly understood, a very small number of researches have been carried out on the subject and they do not present enough empirical analysis. The differences in terminology and interpretation of the phenomenon was revealed as well. In the third part of the article, authors analysed dynamics of the main ICT infrastructure indicators and indicators, which effect the development of network capital. The research helped to identify the main trends in network capital infrastructure changes over the past 10 years, as well as to ascertain the main problems and imbalances in its development. The analysis showed that between network capital and economic development of the country presents a very strong logarithmic dependence. At the end of the article authors presented conclusions on the work done. The paper is a preparatory base for further research in the field of network capital.