Cited by 3
Foreign Direct Investment Policy as an Instrument for Sustainable Economic Growth: a Case of Ireland

The 8th International Scientific Conference "Business and Management 2014"
Agn� �imelyt�, Au�ra Liu�vaitien�
Conference:  (2014)
The Impact of Scandinavian Inward Foreign Direct Investment on the Baltic States
Agnė Šimelytė, Aušra Liučvaitienė
Book:  Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics (Economy, Finance and Business in Southeastern and Central Europe) (2018), p. 69
An Analysis of the Relationship between Foreign Direct Investment and Sustainable Development
Journal:  Ekonomi, Politika & Finans Araştırmaları Dergisi Volume 6, Issue IERFM Özel Sayısı (2021), p. 33