Today’s world is incredibly dynamic and constantly evolving. Rapid technological advances, vast information resources, changing market conditions and intense competition are forcing the acquisition of new skills. The primary mission of General Jonas Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania is to train, educate and inspire competent, motivated and educated Lithuanian officers leaders to lead in today‘s and tomorrow‘s battle field. Therefore, special attention is paid to developing the skills of future military officers, using innovative learning methods, which encourage participation and engagement in the study process. This publication focuses on the role of research-based learning in developing the certain skills of future military officers. To this end, the author draws on a comparative analysis of the scientific literature and on her personal experience of integrating researchbased learning into assignments of Defence Economics course. The author hopes that sharing her experience of using researchbased learning in the study process will encourage other lecturers to evaluate the possibilities of applying this method in their taught subjects.
This study aims to look at the effect of the investment amount of labor and the minimum wage to economic growth. This study use PLS, and use time series data from 2010 to 2016. The variables in this research are domestic investment variable physical, minimum wage, and the amount of labor work in Indonesia. The results showed that the physical variables domestic investment, domestic investment in non-physical, minimum wage, and the number of workers who work GRDP of East Java but for variable non-physical investments in the country negatively affect the Gross Regional Domestic Product of East Java.
Economic growths are often used to measure the development of a country. Thus, the economic growth is what every economy tries to achieve for good of everyone as a whole. In the other hand education, health and employment are one the most important tool for the economy growth. Thailand as developing countries concern about the economy growth and done an investment in through it. The general objective of this paper is to examine the relationship between education, health, employment and economic growth in Thailand from 1988 to 2017. The econometric method is used to examine the relationship between education, health, employment and economic growth. Unit root test indicate that all of the above variables are I (1). Johensen’s test was conducted to see the long run relationship between these variables. Meanwhile the relationship is test by using Ordinary Least Square and the Granger Causality test. The relationship between education with the economic growth are examine by using the literacy rate as education proxy variable. The health variable is examining by using the infant mortality rate, life expectancy and crude death rate with the GDP and the employment are examine by using the total employment rate with the GDP. As conclusion the results shows the positive relationship between the three variables with the economic growth and suggestion to the Thailand economic to do more investments in this variable. The findings of this study can be used to generate concrete policy reform suggestion and also used as guideline or example for other developing countries.
Public finance, spending transparency and taxation revenue collection policy is an important issue for every country. Therefore, general education in these fields is very important, especially in the post-communist societies. As these social science disciplines influence the development of a country and citizens, many countries make the use of civic education and public understanding of financial study as a way to justify citizens’ responsibility. This paper raises and examines such cases and the subject of this scientific problem - public financial management as an important element of national education. Moreover, paid taxes and their spending create a clear microclimate in the society. Nevertheless, the real tax burden should be distributed equally. Obvious legal proceedings of the tax payment diversion in the public create additional tensions. The study also discusses financial education in Bachelor’s and Master’s degree study programs of social sciences for cadets (and students). The topics of public finance expenditure and procurement are becoming increasingly important in the 21st century. Proper social control of public procurement allows a public system to meet its needs in achieving important goals. The problem in many institutions is that procurement specialists carry out public acquisition with some problems that prevent from smooth execution of public sector expenditure management. Meanwhile, due to constant tension in the society caused by mismanaging expenditure (and therefore raising tax burden), prevailing non-transparent use of public finance and national budget deficit, public finance conceptualization is becoming crucial. Furthermore, it creates a direct benefit to the overall development of cadets and students’ education.
The presented paper aims to discuss new Lithuania’s in role taking presidency of the EU and to evaluate Lithuania’s development process. State of Lithuanian economy is being presented; aims of further development are identified. The context of other European countries is being taken into account. Authors rely on critical analysis of contemporary scientific literature and comparative statistics. Among driving forces affecting process of economic development investments of foreign origin and increasing level of education are being distinguished. Insights considering a role of the latter driving forces are being offered.