Cited by 3
Mediation in Civil Matters as an Example of the Method Used in Legal Security Management and Optimization of Costs of Proceedings

Economic aspects of the judiciary
Marceli Hązła
Journal:  Probacja Volume 2 (2024), p. 195
Mediation in the administrative and court-administrative proceedings
Jolanta Itrich-Drabarek, Marcin Jurgilewicz, ANDRZEJ MISIUK, Aleksandra Zając
Journal:  Studia Iuridica Issue 89 (2022), p. 111
Models for assessing crisis dynamics in disparities of Ukraine’s regional economy to ensure the economic security of regions
Olga Shevchenko, Zakharii Varnalii, Ganna Kharlamova, Nataliia Kuzmynchuk
Journal:  JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL STUDIES Volume 16, Issue 1 (2023), p. 177