Cited by 4
Risk-Return through Financial Ratios as Determinants of Stock Price: a Study from Asean Region

A Panel Data Analysis of Stock Returns and Accounting Information in Indian Paint Industry
Pradeep Kumar Rangi, P. S. Aithal
Journal:  International Journal of Management, Technology, and Social Sciences (2021), p. 32
Literature Survey and Research Agenda of Risk Determinants in Indian Equities and Machine Learning
Pradeep Kumar Rangi, P. S. Aithal
Journal:  SSRN Electronic Journal (2021)
Literature Survey and Research Agenda of Risk Determinants in Indian Equities and Machine Learning
Pradeep Kumar Rangi, P. S. Aithal
Journal:  International Journal of Management, Technology, and Social Sciences (2021), p. 83
Predicting stock returns with financial ratios: A new methodology incorporating machine learning techniques to beat the market
Zeynep İltüzer
Journal:  Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics Volume 30, Issue 3 (2023), p. 619