Instructions for Authors

Complete guidelines for preparing and submitting your manuscript to this journal are provided below.

 The instructions below are specifically directed at the authors who wish to submit a manuscript to the Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues.

 The Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues considers all manuscripts on the strict condition that they have been submitted only to it; that they neither have been published yet, nor they are under consideration for publication or in press elsewhere. It should be clearly indicated if a submission was previously declined by another journal. Authors who fail to adhere to this condition will be charged with all costs which the Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues incurs and their paper will not be published.

 Contributions to the Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues must report original research and will be subject to peer-review.

 General Information
All papers are to be written in English. The Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues is an internationally refereed journal designed to further the frontiers of knowledge in security and sustainability. Each article is reviewed by at least two experts, appointed by the Editorial Board, who will examine the manuscript through a double-blind refereeing process in terms of its relevance, academic rigor and high level applications. An electronic copy prepared in MS Word and printed in Times New Roman typeface should be submitted to the Editorial Board following the requirements presented below.

 Structure of the Article
An article should include the following parts: title, authors’ names, name and address of their work place, summary, keywords, introduction (the object and goal of the research, the methods applied, the review of literature and its analysis, etc.), the main text, conclusions or recommendations, references, short biographical note about the contributors at the end of the article (name, surname, academic title and scientific degree, duties, research interests).

Format of the Article
The text of the article should be printed with single intervals on 210x297 mm format pages with the print area of 150×255 mm each. The length of the article should not be less then 8 pages and cannot exceed 25 pages.

 The title of the article should be printed in 11 pt bold type and should be centered. There should be a single line space between the title and the author’s name.

 The name and surname of the authors should be printed in small letters of 11 pt bold type and should be centered. Below the author’s surname, the name of the institution (represented by the author or coauthors) must be printed in 10 pt italic; its address and the author’s e-mail written and centered.

 Abstract and Keywords should be printed single spaced, in 9 pt typeface, in one column and after the institution address and space of three lines below the institution address should be left. Words Abstract and Keywords must be printed in bold. The size of the abstract cannot be less than 600 typographic signs. There should be a space of one line between the abstract and keywords. 6-10 keywords should be provided and selected according to Thesaurus, e.g.

 Introduction, main text and conclusions should be printed in 11 pt type single interval in one column at the distance of 1 line from keywords.

 Figures or tables should be mentioned in the text and the place should be indicated in the separate line. The numbers of figures and tables and inscriptions below are written in 9 pt regular typeface. Figures and tables are separated from the text by one-line space.

 The titles of chapters and sub-chapters are printed in small letters, 11 pt bold-regular type and aligned left. The introduction, titles of chapters and conclusions are numbered. The titles of chapters and sub-chapters should be separated from the text by one-line space.

 The name of the author of the source, the year of publication and pages should be presented in the text in brackets. The list of references is given after the conclusions. The word References is spelled in small letters, 11 pt bold-regular type, left ranged and the list of references in 9 pt. The references are to be presented in the alphabetical order, in the original language; translation into English is given in square brackets. References according to the Harvard citation style, e.g.