Journal:Karo archyvas
Volume 36, Issue 1 (2021), pp. 169–197
Straipsnyje nagrinėjama Lietuvos kariuomenės raida nuo 1994 iki 2004 m., t. y. Lietuvos pasirengimo narystei Šiaurės Atlanto gynybiniame aljanse laikotarpiu.1994–2004 m. Lietuvos krašto apsaugos sistema ir Lietuvos kariuomenė siekė užtikrinti valstybės gynybą, todėl turėjo įgyvendinti du labai sudėtingus uždavinius – kurti ir plėtoti nacionalines karines pajėgas ir kartu parengti jas narystei NATO. Šie uždaviniai buvo grindžiami dviem skirtingomis paradigmomis – modernios ir postmodernios kariuomenės, kas lėmė staigias Lietuvos kariuomenės transformacijas ir jų vertinimo prieštaringumą. Tačiau, nors buvo daugybė sunkumų ir sudėtinga situacija šalyje, Lietuvos kariuomenė per dešimt metų sugebėjo sukurti valstybės karinius pajėgumus, kurie atitiko NATO partnerėms keliamus reikalavimus, ir kartu įvykdė jai iškeltą prioritetinę Lietuvos Respublikos nacionalinio saugumo ir gynybos politikos užduotį – Lietuva tapo Šiaurės Atlanto aljanso nare.
The Voluntary National Defense Service (VNDS) of Lithuania was established in 17 January 1991 and began to operate in a difficult political and economic situation in the presence of Russian military forces deployed in Lithuania. The VNDS was tasked with ensuring the security of important state and economic entities, assisting the police in maintaining public order and territorial defense, as well as carrying out intelligence tasks throughout Lithuania. The main aim of the paper is to analyze the creation of military intelligence by the VNDS and the tasks they conducted from 1991 to 1993. Various methods were used to analyze the VNDS: case study, historical analysis, comparative historical, document analysis, data analysis and statistical content analysis. The paper establishes that the VNDS intelligence gathering structure and its development was influenced by the intelligence tasks assigned to the VNDS. The case study also reveals that the main function of the VNDS staff consisted of intelligence information gathering. In 1991, according to the VNDS standby logs analyzed in this study, 56 percent of information registered by the VNDS staff consisted of intelligence information and this information was gathered across 82 percent of Lithuanian districts. According to the data gathered in this study, it was proven that the VNDS was conducting military intelligence from 1991 to 1993. The case study is even more relevant since the current day Lithuanian Armed Forces are returning to the national territorial defense model due to the changes in current geopolitical situation. In the future, the role of the National Defense Volunteer Force (the NDVF), equivalent to the previous VNDS, will increase significantly, as the Commander of the Lithuanian Armed Forces has appointed these forces to carry out intelligence tasks for military operations.
The effectiveness of intelligence operations is directly related to the conduct of intelligence officers and depends on their moral attitudes and system of values. The specifics of intelligence operations may lead to moral dilemmas in the behaviour of the officers. The operating methods of intelligence institutions include both ethical tactical elements and those that run counter to the generally accepted ethical principles that could discredit democracy and the fundamental values that the state advocates. This article analyses the ethical problems that are encountered in the process of using HUMINT, an intelligence method. The authors employ theoretical analysis to construct an initial integral behaviour model of the intelligence officer based on the context of choices and operational implications that could encourage further scientific discussion of the subject.
Žvalgybos veiklos efektyvumas yra tiesiogiai susijęs su žvalgybos pareigūnų elgesiu ir priklauso nuo jų moralinių nuostatų bei vertybių sistemos. Žvalgybinės veiklos specifika sąlygoja pareigūnų elgesio moralines dilemas. Žvalgybos institucijų veiklos metodai apima tiek etiškus, tiek ir su visuotinai priimtais etikos principais besikertančius taktinius elementus, galinčius diskredituoti demokratiją ir valstybės deklaruojamas pamatines vertybes. Straipsnyje analizuojamos etinės problemos, su kuriomis susiduriama taikant žvalgybos veiklos metodą HUMINT. Teorinės analizės pagrindu autoriai sudarė pirminį integralų žvalgybos pareigūno elgesio modelį, atsižvelgdami į pasirinkimų ir veiklos pasekmių kontekstą, kuris galėtų paskatinti tolesnes mokslines diskusijas šiuo klausimu.
Postmodernity as a concept of contemporary society together with technological progress and globalization caused changes in orientation of values as well as the transformation of individual and collective identity. Thus, increased vulnerability, both of individuals and society, caused the character of threats to national security. The aim of the article is to analyze the contemporary threats to national security as a phenomenon of a postmodern society, emphasizing the crisis of values as well as of the identity. Postmodern threats forced to revise traditional point of view on the concept of national security and demands to be based on comprehensive approach on the issues of security and defense. This article is an attempt to make an analysis on the topic of national security in an interdisciplinary context. After analyzing the actual threats to the security of the Republic of Lithuania, it was determined that the interaction of many of these threats with the crisis of values is evident. This allows to confirm the importance of further discussions and scientific research on the issues of values and identity in context of national security in postmodern society.
Institutional identity is probably seen as the best and the only effective way for dealing with the uncertainties of postmodern society. The theory of institutional identity as positive interaction and development of personal and social identities and the foundation of self-image and self-esteem is especially important in the context of military organization. Defining or redefining the identity and its role in contemporary society has become the priority for the scientist. Mutable character of postmodern identity and identities’ diversity put to inconvenience the traditional understanding of this phenomenon. The phenomenon of postmodern identity has brought some difficulties into creation of universal concept of institutional identity. Institutional identity of the Armed Forces is reasoned by the postmodern transformations of the society. Transformations in the Armed Forces (changes in mission, structure, woman’s role, etc.) have shifted traditional identity of the militaries toward contemporary society: i.e. it has become multidimensional and fragmented. The process of creation of institutional identity in the Armed Forces should be based on peculiarities of postmodern individuals: rational way of thinking and their self-esteem.
Straipsnyje pateikiama teorinė valstybės nacionalinio saugumo politikos ir pilietinės visuomenės sąveikos analizė, siekiant išsiaiškinti iš šios sąveikos kylančių prieštaravimų priežastis. Remiantis pilietinės visuomenės ir pilietiškumo sampratos raidos apžvalga, atskleidžiamas problemos kontroversiškumas ir sudėtingumas. Pilietinės visuomenės ir nacionalinio saugumo sistemos prieštaringumo priežastys nagrinėjamos pilietinio tapatumo sampratos kontekste vertybinių prioritetų analizės pagrindu. Apžvelgiamas istorinis pilietinės visuomenės ir valstybės, kaip nacionalinio saugumo subjekto, integralumas tiek tradiciniu, tiek šiuolaikinių teorijų diskurse. Pateikiamos straipsnio autorių įžvalgos dėl pilietinės visuomenės ir valstybės sąveikos nacionalinio saugumo interesų gynimo srityje.
The article provides a theoretical analysis of the interaction between the state national security policy and civil society in order to find out the causes arising from the contradictions of this interaction. Grounded on the survey of the development of the conception of civil society and civil consciousness, the controversial nature and complexity of the problem are disclosed. Causes of the contradictions between civil society and the national security system are analyzed in the context of a civil identity conception on the basis of the analysis of value-related priorities. The historic integrity of civil society and the state, as the subject of national security, is surveyed in the discourse of both traditional and contemporary theories. The article presents the insights of the authors on further interaction of civil society and the state in the area of the defense of national security interests.