In the 21st century technology has reached a sufficiently advanced level. The armed forces of NATO countries are actively implementing simulation systems into the military training process. Simulators save resources and allow troops to train in situations that would be very dangerous or impossible to create in the real world. Properly trained soldiers are a key part of strong and challenging army. Therefore, Lithuanian military training is constantly being improved and new methods are being sought to ensure the highest quality process to develop soldiers’ competence. In order to properly evaluate the effectiveness of the simulators used in the Lithuanian Armed Forces training unit, it is necessary to determine if simulators help to prepare soldiers capable of analysing situations properly and to be modern in combat. Also identify fields for improvement in the use of existing simulators related to military training, provide rational solutions to eliminate identified problems for military training. The aim of this study was to identify Lithuanian Armed Forces combat training centre improvement fields for the simulators’ use in the individual and collective training.