Security management in the air transport is understood as an integral part of the activity and the decision-making process of the managers of the air operator and the security service, assigned to manage the security risks in the following dominant areas. The scientific cognition, investigation and complex education in the field of the situational security management within the range of a multidimensional relation “Human – Technique – Environment” in the transport that is perceived as a complex adaptive ergatic system within the context of available resources, it represents a creative activity in the field of security, quality and effectiveness of processes of the personnel education, performance and flight operation provision.
The protection of state security by the legal standards of the criminal law is one of the key, the legally protected interests including the cybersecurity in the sectors of critical infrastructure transport (road, air transport, ship, and rail), electronic communications, energy, information and communication technologies, post, industry, water and atmosphere, health. Today’s empirical empowerment confirms that the security is a significant multidimensional factor of the quality of society and citizen’s life, which we have to systematically examine, forecast and ensure. The contribution presents the defined security interests of the state in the framework of new strategic documents of the Slovak Republic in the comparison with the current standards of the criminal law for the protection of state security within the material and non-material components of the defence potential of the state.
Volunteering is generally considered an unpaid, conscious activity which is undertaken of a person’s own free will and for the benefit of other people or society. Volunteering on the field of fire protection is a specific and extremely valuable that volunteer firefighters are not only willing to help others selflessly. They are willing to risk at any time to save others their lives, health. This article points out the importance and activity of the voluntary fire protection in Slovakia. It deals with the statistics on the development of volunteer fire department in Slovakia as well as the statistics on fire alarms. The study also includes results of the public opinion poll and its evaluation, from which we can say that the public response to the work of volunteer fire department is positive.