This study focuses on the evaluation of the moderating role of psychological resilience in intrinsic motivation. These causal relationships were evaluated in terms of self-efficacy and perceived military competence, taking into account the effects of intrinsic motivation and psychological resilience. Five hypotheses were developed on the effects of the theoretically supported variable relations. The study data set was collected from the Active Lithuanian Army Reserve. In this study, 354 soldiers were investigated using the Brief Resilience Scale (BRE), the Self-Efficacy Scale (EFF), the Intrinsic Motivation Scale (INM) and the Perceived Military Competence Scale (PMC). The results of the analysis conducted showed that between self-efficacy and the growth of perceived military competence is a positive relationship both for soldiers with high and low points of intrinsic motivation. In addition, it can be concluded that reservists with higher internal motivation have more confidence in their abilities to act and achieve the set goals, which can have a significant impact on reservists' readiness to improve their military competence. Similarly, self-efficacy appears to be vital in improving military competences among soldiers with less intrinsic motivation. Moreover, soldiers with higher intrinsic motivation and higher psychological resilience probably increase their military competence due to the pleasure they derive from participating in military exercises.
The purpose of civil-military cooperation is to exchange resources and information to effectively manage different types of disasters. In this regard, civil-military cooperation in disaster preparedness should increase coherence in the area of information sharing and mutual support. The purpose of this study is to examine how cooperation between municipal institutions and the same nation’s military meets these requirements. The results presented in the article show that cooperation between municipal institutions and military personnel of the same nation is similar to civilian and military cooperation in international missions or disaster relief. This cooperation is based on a mutual understanding of the value of cooperation; willingness to cooperate and mutual support. At the same time, there are objective obstacles to the effectiveness of cooperation in disaster preparedness between municipal institutions and the military, mainly related to legal regulation, bureaucracy and hierarchy, often impeding the dissemination of information and undermining mutual trust between institutions. The study found that simplification of existing legislation, detailed planning process, information sharing during joint exercises and other joined activities would be important factors in improving civil (municipal)-military cooperation in disaster preparedness.
Despite the rising recognition and a growing body of literature on sustainability issues in the military, no comprehensive and systematic review on the topic has been published yet. Accordingly, the aim of this paper was to deconstruct the topic of sustainability in the military context by exploring its genesis, state-of-the-art knowledge and future prospects. Furthermore, the study addressed the question of practical importance about where sustainability in the military is ad hoc or institutionalized into management processes and procedures of organizations. The paper relied on the systematic literature review and used a bibliometric data analysis: citation network and keyword network analysis techniques were employed to select, analyse and interpret the genesis and prospects in the field.
The data suggest there are three dominating research streams in the field: (1) environmentally sustainable solutions, (2) economic (un) sustainability of militarization and (3) social cohesion. The recent research on sustainability in the military marks a new trend where all three fields of sustainability are being integrated. It is also apparent form the analysis that a small but significant share of publications indicates institutionalization of sustainability in the military practice. This is particularly evident in relation to environmental issues.
The objective of this study is to review current research on knowledge management in military and to identify the main streams where research is performed. Knowledge in the military is perceived as a tool and means for effectiveness and has been analyzed from diverse standpoints. Accordingly, the studies in this field take different paradigms and represent the perspective of management, social networking, organizational psychology, information technology and other fields towards the phenomena of knowledge in the military and its management practices. Although previous studies on knowledge management in military have presented some literature overviews, this study is the first to provide a systematic analysis using content mapping.
Systematic literature review using in-depth text mining and bibliometric networks are used as methods for this study. The data consist of theoretical, analytical and research papers retrieved from Web of Science Clarivate Analytics (VoS) (N=406) and Scopus databases (N=317). According to findings, knowledge management research in the military is performed in three streams. The larges stream represents management science paradigm. The second largest stream represents interdisciplinary perspective and the smallest stream is predominated by technical solutions in the military knowledge management. The results of in-depth text mining identify the recent trends in knowledge management research in the military. They are associated with knowledge integration and strategy.
Drawing on policy variation across European countries this study analyses the differences, similarities and the best practices in officers and serviceman reintegration into labour market after their early retirement. The success of reintegration depends on national labour market policy towards employability and specific measures in employment assistance for officers and serviceman. The search for sustainable approach toward employability of retired officers and serviceman fostered to conduct institutional survey. The survey was conducted using set of connections of military attaché and the network of CEPOL1. Analyzing retirement practice of the police and the military in EU countries, it is noted that the police officers retirement is organized 5-10 earlier than full retirement; their pension is worth a substantial part of previous salary. For that reason, reintegration programs are not needed and in majority of countries do not exist. The situation in military is different. Military rejuvenation forces to cut middle-age people into early retirement. It means that they will have to reintegrate into the labour market in order to maintain a similar level of well-being for themselves and their families. Results reveals four different types of reintegration programmes for serviceman in EU member states.
Economic growth and country’s industry dependence on the assessment of energetic resources arise as comprehensive approach. The increase in global energy prices, significant dependence on imported energy and increase in energy consumption might result international competitiveness of the country and pose constrains towards sustainable development. Restructuring of the economies from energy intensive industries towards more technologically advanced products and services might lead to higher value added per unit of product, and energy saving sectors with lower energy consumption per unit of output. In order to sustain international competitiveness of exporting sectors, it is necessary to diminish gradually intensity of expensive energy resources. The problem of this study related to the scientific discussion concerning relationships among the intensity of energetic resources’ use, economic growth and export. The analysis of the theoretical and empirical studies of the effects of energy on the economic growth and export showed that energetic resources precede and predict the economic growth and export, however, the question concerning the direction of causality remains open, since unobserved variables may drive both developments. This paper analyzes the case of Lithuania. The authors investigate economic growth and industry sectors’ export dependence on energetic resources.
As an efficient e-recruitment system is comprised of organizational, technological and socio-cognitive elements, article focuses on these three elements in military recruitment. Using a series of semi-structured interviews with a specialist in the military recruiting, the research was performed. The interview schedule was developed from the literature and piloted with minor changes to provide focus and clarity on such topics as advantages of e-recruitment system, functions of this system, e-recruitment methods, organization, environment and efficiency. The research reveals that the military focuses on organizational and technological recruitment elements. The tasks allocated for the recruitment system are related to the efficient presentation of information directly to the society groups. Special attention is also devoted to organizational activities including distributing functions. Cognitive activities, its demand and requirements for them are not clearly expressed.
The purpose of this paper is to investigate how learning in collaboration can support the development of sustainability competence in the military. The concept of sustainability in the military is controversial; nevertheless, requirements for more conscious decisions regarding economics, environment and society issues enter military practice and require rethinking the processes of military education and development. The application of computer-supported collaborative learning brings new opportunities in overcoming controversy of sustainability in the military and at the same time puts forward the solutions and skills for implementations of sustainability in the military.
Instead of using traditional approach towards sustainability as an interaction of the following three components: economic viability, social welfare and environmental protection, we described sustainability in the military as a composition of mission, management of installations and stakeholders, operations and maintenance, environment protection and quality of life. According to these categories, e-learning platform was developed. The core of this platform is the formal learning curriculum, which serves as a shell under which a variety of practices can be introduced to address the desired training objectives. The complex solution was accomplished with computerfacilitated collaborative learning that enables teem-working, collaboration and peer-assessment. Computer-facilitated collaborative learning supports social interaction in the learning system and sustains group-work within a variety of decision-making frameworks. Those features of the learning system are very important considering the controversy and complexity of sustainability in the military.