Ensuring the quality of the various processes is essential to the effective functioning of an organisation. One way to achieve this is to assess the quality of the organisation’s performance. This process involves both self-assessment and external evaluation, which are carried out using different methodological approaches to evaluation. It should be stressed that the outcome of the quality assessment also depends on the choice of a methodological approach and its correct use from a methodological perspective. The aim of this paper is to present methodological approaches to assessing the quality of organisational performance. The paper focuses on action research as a methodological approach to evaluation and case studies as a methodological approach to external evaluation, showing how the two are closely interrelated and how they can be used more frequently and successfully in quality management research.
The article analysed methodological scales for measuring intercultural competence. Taking into account the ones presented in scientific literature, SAGE’s scientific publications database was selected as the data collection source. Methodologically validated scales were evaluated from the perspective of management science in order to select the most used ones oriented to management research. Therefore, four most popular measurement scales that have received the most attention in different countries were distinguished. The article also ranked the most popular scientific journals in terms of research on the above mentioned competencies using said methodological scales as well as explored military intercultural competence to determine the possibilities of using methodological scales.
Nuolatinė socialinių tinklų plėtra modernioje žinių visuomenėje kelia naujus iššūkius ir suteikia naujas galimybes. Pastaruoju metu vis daugiau dėmesio skiriama socialinių tinklų naudojimui švietime. Todėl šio straipsnio tikslas – pristatyti socialinių tinklų naudojimo švietime (tiek formaliajame, tiek neformaliajame) galimybes. Straipsnis modeliuojamas remiantis kokybinio tyrimo metodologinėmis nuostatomis. Jame pristatomo tyrimo pagrindiniai metodai – publikuotų tyrimo rezultatų metaanalizė ir kokybinė turinio analizė, leidusios atskleisti pagrindines socialinių tinklų, naudojamų švietimo poreikiams, galimybes, taip pat kai kurias galimas grėsmes. Straipsnyje pristatomi 2017 m. rugpjūčio – spalio mėn. straipsnio autorių atlikto tyrimo rezultatai, kurie leidžia teigti, kad moksliniai tyrimai, susiję su socialinių tinklų naudojimu ugdymo procese, daugiausiai sutelkti į suaugusiųjų švietimo nagrinėjimą. Socialiniai tinklai leidžia studentams tapti aktyviais bendradarbiais, kurti žinias ir keisti savo socialinę padėtį, interaktyviomis priemonėmis plečia įtraukaus mokymosi galimybes. Socialiniai tinklai griauna tradicinio mokymo nustatytas aiškias ribas tarp profesinės ir socialinės erdvės ir verčia kitaip pažvelgti į mokymo ir mokymosi procesus, remia ir palaiko interaktyvius tarpusavio santykius, komunikaciją, bendruomenę ir bendradarbiavimą, kuria edukacines erdves.
The articles analyses the penetration of social media through personal use into daily life and the relation of this phenomenon to national security. A survey of Lithuanian higher-school students aged 18-29 was conducted according to quantitative research methodology. Young people actively use social networks for various purposes (personal, learning, work, recreation). Statistically, each individual, aged 18-29, has personal profiles on four social networking sites, yet most often does not adequately evaluate and link the use of social networks with possible national security threats and risk factors. Less than two-thirds of young people have heard something of possible threats and risk factors; however, the impact of social media on national security is not considered significant. Thus, it seems that young people lack information about real threats presented by social networks to both personal data storage and national security.