Hacktivism is a social phenomena which evokes different social assessments. The definitions of a term differ in many respects. This theoretical model of hacktivism has not yet been implemented into an empirical strategy for sociological research. The paper describes the the main initiatives taken by Anonymous collective during the 2014 conflict in Ukraine, which is considered by many researchers to be the first stage of preparation for the war triggered by Russia in 2022. Author analyses the collective’s activity in 2022, after the war started, in order to identify similarities and differences in the creation of information messages about the situation. The comparative analysis covers information published in Anonymous’ tweets and selected online news services. She asks the question about the possible consequences of Anonymous actions in the open cyber field for the social moods around the world. To what extent these media messages and their construction have reflected the social perception and/or social attitudes towards Russia’s aggression? The theoretic explorations were embedded mainly on two methods: criticism of writing and the analytical and comparative one.
Significant changes to security environment make military operations more complex and demanding. Preparing military commanders to face future challenges has been vital for military success and national security. While the system of the Professional Military Education seems good, there are opportunities to make it more responsive and efficient. The article summarizes the ongoing discussion on the Professional Military Education, and identifies challenges related to preparation of future commanders. Based on recent developments some ideas on improving Professional Military Education are offered.