Security, living environment, or entrepreneurship ecosystem is determined by wide array of factor. We tackle organized crime issues, which can cause potential insolvensy. In this article, the authors deal with a set of European Court of Human Rights decisions concerning the right to a fair trial and the use of an agent in criminal proceedings. From the investigated decisions, the authors conclude that the individual Slovak regulation, agent provocateur under § 117 par. 2 second sentence of the Criminal Procedure Code, a priori, is not inconsistent with decisions of the European Court of Human Rights. This is subject to the condition that the provision in question of the Criminal Procedure Code is interpreted in accordance with the principles established in the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights.
Security of societies has become one of urgent issues in contemporary world. Too frequently we started encountering one or another form of malicious behavior, criminal activities or terrorism. New and complex threats highlight the need for further synergies and closer cooperation at all levels. Awareness, preparedness and resilience of societies emerge as key preconditions of further secure and sustainable economic development and general well-being. A special attention in those conditions has to be paid to development of theoretically grounded approach to protection of critical infrastructure (CIP), damage or disruption of which can be immensely harmful to unprepared and therefore vulnerable institutions and society. The aim of this paper is to lay theoretical foundations for theoretically grounded approach towards research in CIP area, in order to formulate, ultimately, an approach towards action, which, employing leadership societal stakeholders would allow to enhance awareness of society actors about the threats, i.e, to develop ability to recognize, prevent, and, in case of disaster, to resist to consequences of critical infrastructure infringement. Hence, enhanced resilience of society to critical infrastructure infringement is and ultimate goal of fostering of leadership for critical infrastructure protection.
Public administration is a set of state institutions that mainly exercises the functions of the executive body (rather than legislative or judicial) in accordance with the law. Public administration includes the Cabinet of Ministers, institutions subordinate to the Cabinet of Ministers as well as other independent institutions. The aim of the research is to analyse the historical development of the Cabinet of Ministers and ministries, to emphasize the main stages of development of public administration, while highlighting the problems that existed both during the period of Latvia’s first independence as well as after the restoration of the state and seeking the best possible solutions for the further development of public administration. The study will use descriptive, dogmatic, historical, comparative and analytical research methods.
The alternative methods of dispute resolution are new field of study in Latvia. In most cases procedurial issues of these methods and their real practical application are outside any legal regulation. One of these alternative dispute resolution methods is called mediation. Person, who is responsible for the management of this process, is called mediator. The meaning of this term is known from the ancient civilization times. It is useful to understand the initial comprehension of mediation in order to sucessfully implement this process in the legal system of modern society. Nevertheless the elaboration of mediation procedure asks serious evalution of possibilites in order to completely evolve basic principles of alternative dispute resolution methods in the legal system of any country. Answering on question whether it is possible to completely realize the concept of mediation, it is necessary clearly understand, what it is and how you can use the advantages of this process in real life. Application of mediation in the Latvian criminal law obeys to the special requirements and depends on certain circumstances.
Drugs and prison – this consistent pattern is often undeniable. It is undeniable that most of those people who end up in prison, have used narcotic or psychotropic substances before. The use of substances that causes addiction and the development of addiction is influenced by a number of different factors; in some cases, by the imprisonment itself. The authors of the article offer, continuing with scientific publication cycle, which is dedicated to execution of sentence of imprisonment in Latvia and security aspects of the places of confinement, to become familiar with the study about peculiarities of execution of the sentence of imprisonment and security aspects at the newly established Center for drug addicts of Olaine city prison, where convicted persons, during the serving of a sentence, are involved in addiction reduction programs. The aim of the execution of the sentence of imprisonment is to effectively apply all conditions of the sentence execution in respect of the convicted person, thus ensuring re-socialization of a person and the legal behavior of a person after execution of the sentence. However, it is undeniable that only those persons, who are free from narcotic or psychotropic substances addiction can be re-socialized; therefore, the study obtains the status of vitally important topicality. This article reflects the results of the conducted study about peculiarities of execution of the sentence of imprisonment at the Center for drug addicts of Olaine city prison. The article identifies issues and suggests possible solutions. Based on the study there has been developed a series of recommendations for the staff of the places of confinement working with convicted drug addicts. The authors suggest that the drawbacks and issues discovered within the framework of this study, as well as proposed solutions, will make a significant contribution to the development of the penalty execution theory in Latvia. It will be possible to improve the sentence of imprisonment execution legal framework and practice by using new scientific cognitions stated in this study.
Security management in the air transport is understood as an integral part of the activity and the decision-making process of the managers of the air operator and the security service, assigned to manage the security risks in the following dominant areas. The scientific cognition, investigation and complex education in the field of the situational security management within the range of a multidimensional relation “Human – Technique – Environment” in the transport that is perceived as a complex adaptive ergatic system within the context of available resources, it represents a creative activity in the field of security, quality and effectiveness of processes of the personnel education, performance and flight operation provision.
With regard to its territorial size, economy and political power; Germany represents one of the most sustainable, competitive and economically developed Member States of the European Union. However, development of the knowledge-based economy on one hand and negative demographic trends on the other hand will force Germany to cover the growing demand for high-skilled labour force from non-EU countries in the coming years to keep this position. The paper analyses competitiveness within the framework of security and sustainability of the Federal Republic of Germany concerning labour migration from the third countries. Main research question of this article is formulated as follows: How can migration from the third countries influence economic development and competitiveness of Germany in terms of state’s demographic problems? With regard to the above, we try to verify our hypothesis claiming that compensation of the domestic workforce through regulated migration flows – necessary because of declining and aging population and skill disharmony in Germany – is only a short-time solution of the current situation on the German labour market, but it is not sustainable in the long run.
The article sums up some results of the studies devoted to the socialization of the economy in the aspect of the reduction of threats to national security. The following research objectives were defined by the authors: an attempt to estimate the role of such functions of social economy as concern for public health, reduction of social and economic inequality, increase of social cohesion and trust that is most fully reflected in the phenomenon of social capital. A special place is given to the assessment of the manifested implementation of socialization of economy on the examples of Latvia and Ukraine. As arguments, the authors use both their own empirical studies and the data of national and international analytical and statistical institutions. The carried out analysis provides a clearer vision of the model of strengthening the socialization of economy in the aspect of ensuring national security with emphasis on economic security. Weak realization of the socialization of economy inevitably leads to an increase in social-economic inequality of population, when along with economic inequality other components of aggregate capital can serve the main catalyst for this negative process. For different countries at different times these components of aggregate capital are very specific. In some cases, the dominant threat is health capital, in others – the human (vocational and educational) capital. The proposed model reflects both the theory of aggregate capital as a methodology for analysis of the interconnection between social economy and security and the role of social capital as an important indicator of inequality, and, at the same time, the most important indicator of stability and security.
In this article, the problem of terrorism is discussed in view of the peculiarities of legal nature. The phenomenon of terrorism is being analyzed by scientists in the political, economic, socio-psychological point of view and more attention is paid to the legal theoretical characteristics of this phenomenon. A more detailed analysis of terrorism in the article shows that use of concept of terrorism, regardless of reasons for this, makes the fight against terrorism an ideological tool, posed together as a growing threat to human rights. Furthermore, this article analyzes the reasons of terrorism and provides tendencies for further development of global terrorism. When there is no clear definition of terrorism and its causal relations are acceptable to all, questions concerning the scope of the fight against terrorism arise. In this case, we cannot be sure that modern democratic countries use the correct definition of terrorism in all cases and do not violate the human rights when fighting against terrorists. Even more doubts about the actions of democratic countries participating actively in fight against terrorism arise. The uncertainty of terrorism concept is being used to conceal violations of the human rights.
In accordance with the rise and rapid growth in e-commerce in the past few decades, the use of payment cards for online purchases has significantly increased in the payment cards market. This situation has led to an explosion in payment card fraud and it is costing billions of euros and dollars in losses in the card payment industry. The understanding of security has therefore undergone a significant development. Due to the inaccurate evaluation of their personal security status, people tend to underestimate the safety features related to the protection of their financial data on the internet. This claim is supported by the high level of interest that cyber attackers show in persons operating in the public and economic spheres. The collection and data analysis carried out suggests that the target sample group has not had experience with cyber-attacks, predominantly because this group was made up of ‘ordinary’ people, presumably outside of the cyber attackers’ sphere of interest. It is therefore important to further investigate the opinion and consumer approach to security and payment card fraud. As a result of rising losses, financial institutions and card issuers are constantly searching for new technologies and innovations in payment card fraud detection and prevention. This article provides several views on personal safety and quality of security to payment cars and cyber- attacks.The data collection and analysis was carried out in Slovakia via electronic sample surveys. With sample surveys the data is collected from a base sample unit, which in this case consisted of a sample of residents of the Slovak Republic. The research sample for this investigation consisted of 287 respondents, out of which there were 164 men (57,14%) and 123 women (42,86%). For the purposes of the analysis, the respondents were divided into categories, based on their age, level of education and occupation. The study results can help the issuers of payment cards and banks as well as clients using payment cards, especially in order to improve the prevention against fraud and the unauthorised use of payment cards.