Cited by 3
Post-War Socialization of the Economy: Ukrainian and European Security

Artificial Intelligence in the Scientific and Technological Paradigm of Global Economy
Dmytro Lukianenko, Anastasiia Simakhova
Journal  Problemy Ekorozwoju Volume 19, Issue 2 (2024), p. 55
Global value chains and their impact on Ukraine’s agro-industrial complex
Valerii Mytsenko, Iryna Babets, Ivan Mytsenko, Olena Sokolovska, Daria Nasypaiko
Journal  Ekonomika APK Volume 31, Issue 4 (2024), p. 33
The impact of the war on Ukraine's foreign trade
Anastasiia Simakhova
Journal  Economy of Industry Volume 1, Issue 105 (2024), p. 5