Military is an institution which is one of the most significant national security guarantees. Lithuanian armed forces military psychologists findings of soldiers who leave the service before time show that the main reason is that organization is not able to ensure individual needs of personnel. The problem of this report is - how the military organization is able to implement function of national security combining individual officers and collective organizational values in the context of contemporary society? For this research was applied qualitative research method, using semi-structured interview technique.
New ways of communication open up new possibilities to understand groups, organizations and leaders. Leaders lead groups and organizations thus groups and organizations are reflections of their identity. The way people communicate in a group or organization reflects of how the members see themselves in the organization. Identity of each member is expressed by his or her self-perception, self-image, self-reputation, self-competences thus is not only recognized by others, but each member recognizes the others’ too. As the dynamic context of reality leads to one or another type of interrelations as well as it inevitably impacts leadership practices at organization therefore research of reciprocity between leaders and other members at organizations is very important and timely. It is significant to research how people communicate to develop and maintain certain reciprocity and exactly how much, observing their interaction, could be possible to describe the environment and the people themselves. The research findings indicate that new paradigm leadership should be perceived as dynamic process resulting from interaction of people within organization and is clearly dependent on the context, and even more – on each participant identity expressed by self-competencies and on people’s relations.
The objective of the research is to define the development of constitutionalism and socio-cultural challenges related to the formation process of the European Union’s legal identity. To achieve this goal, the concept of constitutionalism and its changes during the period of the European Union’s development are examined. Tendencies of the European Union Member States’ constitutionalism process are analysed and socio-cultural tensions of the formation of the contemporary European Union’s legal identity, which arise between security and freedom, order and justice and government and society are identified. The article states that the sustainability of public democratic processes and the functioning of the European Union is possible only if the constitutional values are protected. The reseach also reveals that the further evolution of European constitutionalism and legal identity still needs to enhance the development of the rules which could influence the creation and activities of the independent, self-governing EU’s political community.
The paper analyses the results of a research conducted with the aim to study topical questions on social innovation attempting to disclose its role expressed via its mission and impact on the Latvian society in the context of sustainable development. The authors present the methodology, conduct and results of the qualitative content analysis of the texts of a focus group discussion with participants from the fields of entrepreneurship, education, communication, sport and charity. The empirical data were analysed with open coding using AQUAD 6 software for the registration of conceptual codes, data processing and creation of frequency tables of categories developed. Having summarised the main findings, it was concluded that social innovation may promote the development of both individuals and the entire society improving the quality of people’s life. The research resulted in the revelation of five domains of social innovation impact including the development at the: intrapersonal, interpersonal interaction, societal growth, innovation, and work opportunity levels.