The aim of the work was to examine the therapeutic impact of Gestalt individual psychotherapy to the disabled people after spinal cord injury, using experimental structured dance movement and/or life educational program in the community rehabilitation settings. The results. The effectiveness of Gestalt individual psychotherapy and rehabilitation in the local community was essentially described using some major qualitative indices: quality of the involvement into community moment, which is mostly reflected by a person’s subjective perception of how the community accepts him/her; the effectiveness of their involvement into the local community, which depends on the duration and quality of the transitional period from rehabilitation in the hospital to the one at home: people who engaged in community activities (for example, wheelchair dancing) faster and more tended to notice the effectiveness of rehabilitation. Conclusion. It is necessary to apply Gestalt individual psychotherapy in the community rehabilitation for the disabled as the psychotherapeutic model is empowering both - a person and communities to help the disabled move from the expectation of being ‘care cases’ to enabling their ability to fulfil personal and social changes accordingly. Specifying the aims of the work, the main results obtained, and the conclusions are drawn.