The subject of this article concerns the safety of mass events and is dictated by their increasing popularity. Mass events are organized at various levels of the territorial division and have a very diverse range. Their safe organization and course are important from the point of view of the country’s internal security. The authors provide novel insights into risk management peculiarities of mass events in designed to prevent possible terrorist activities.
A lot of employees use their personal mobile devices, especially smart phones, for work duties as well as private purposes, and often without any limitations in terms of locality or time. Though involving risks to both businesses and employees, this practice is often not subject to any formal corporate policies. Moreover, most companies have not even come to a strategic decision whether to ban, tolerate or encourage BYOD yet. This paper enumerates and classifies such risks in an attempt to help employers make their decision and create a corporate BYOD policy and procedures framework of their own. In addition, risk level assessment and options for risk reduction are covered. The classical PDCA cycle is adaptable at development and maintenance of BYOD security framework.
The study of the evolution of the economic security of the business entity has shown that at the present stage of economic development it is important to consider the factors of influence on economic security, in particular: the effectiveness of management, personnel and financial safety, a strategic approach to the functioning of the communication system of protection, taking into account the evolution of security and active search for innovative modern domains of development of industrial organizations and increase of the responsibility of performers for the consequences of their work. This allows to reduce the risk of loss of economic safety of the business entity. It was argued that innovative conceptualization of risk as a probable threat of losses lies within the scope of activity of managers of various units and has features of probable economic and objective-subjective nature, as well as a wide range of variability of the impact on the issues of economic safety and is conditioned by the dynamic development of important societal significant economic processes at the global and national levels, which ultimately contributes to enhancement of the organization’s competitive advantages.
Our paper focuses on the analysis of the the role of risk management in sustainable hotel chain policy. We tackle the issue of risk evaluation and prevention in hotel industry as a factor of enhancing its entrepreneurial value. Our empirical value-added is based on its own novel survey based on a case study of a chosen company. We evaluate the problem areas of risk management and make suggestions for the hotel optimization procedures based on our results and findings. Furthremore, we compare the outcomes of our research with those of the the studies conducted by the renown foreign companies and focusing on payment discipline and risk management. Our results demonstrate that in order to optimize the cash flow in hotel operations, it is advisable to provide a balanced business mix and improvement of strategic internal processes. Moreover, it appears that for the optimal application of the risk management it is important that a new or updated strategic analysis is conducted annually within the business entity according to the development of both the external and internal environment. Furthremore, financial and payment risks need to be integrated into the formulation of strategic goals so as to identify which of them can put the strategy and its strategic goals at stake.
The Green Corridor concept represents a cornerstone in the development and implementation of integrated and sustainable transport solutions based on trans-nationality, multi-modality and a high involvement of public and private stakeholders, including the political level. Hence, the implementation and management of a Green Transport Corridor is connected with a variety of risks due to the high level of complexity and the strong frame conditions of the concept. E.g. stakeholders’ violation of ecological and sustainable obligations might jeopardize the achievement of defined green targets and therefore hinder the implementation of a Green Transport Corridor system. For this reason, it is important to regard possible risks in advance in order to apply adequate measures and reduce the impact in time.
The paper addresses the research questions what kind of risks might occur in Green Transport Corridors and how they can be classified. The empirical results of this paper investigate the risks that might occur in Green Transport Corridors and classify them into the three categories economical, ecological and social risks. Based on this analysis the development of a comprehensive risk management concept for Green Transport Corridors has been started.