Merger control is the competence of the antitrust authorities of the EU Member States or the European Commission. Antitrust authorities have horizontal competencies in this respect, which means that they can evaluate any concentration, regardless of the market on which it is planned. Concentrations on strategic markets from the point of view of the state, including in the energy sector, require evaluation not only from the point of view of pure substantive criteria but also the evaluation related to the need to rank values more critically from the point of view of the state over the value of effective competition.
The study attempts to present the impact of Russian policy on Saudi Arabia in terms of economic security. Analyses of primary data on the quantitative states of the possessed oil and gas resources and their annual consumption, as well as the state of essential armaments of Russia and Saudi Arabia were carried out and evaluated. As a result of the analysis of the literature of the research, it was observed that the potential of Russian-Saudi military cooperation is unrealized. One of the goals of Russian policy is to seek to limit the influence of both Saudi Arabia and the United States in the Middle East region. This limitation allows Saudi Arabia itself to not dictate world oil prices. The United States, on the other hand, due to its huge demand for oil, is forced to pursue such a policy in order to be guaranteed an adequate price and continuity of supply to meet its oil needs now and in the future.
러시아-우크라이나 전쟁과 중동부유럽 주요국의 지정학적 위기 대응 전략: 에너지 이슈를 중심으로 (Russia-Ukraine War and Major Central Eastern European States’ Geopolitical Crisis Responses: Focusing on Energy Issues)
Moosung Lee, Seung-Keun Lee, Sae Won Chung, Shinkyu Kim, Hayann Lee