Foreign language competences for the military personnel of Lithuania and NATO are essential in sustaining National Security of the alliance especially by effectively performing their military duties that include not only specific military art but also administrative and managemental. The Military Academy of Lithuania is a unique higher educational institution that prepares specialists in administration, management, and other fields. Therefore, being a cadet of the Academy, he/she acquires all the necessary competences to obtain proficiency in these fields. However, the cadets of the Academy considerably need foreign language competences so that they could actively, successfully, and professionally conduct their duties not only locally but also participating internationally in various military organizations and missions. Thus, in many cases military’s success in multinational operations very often depends on soldiers’ ability to communicate and express themselves in English or any other foreign language. In this “global village” it is practically inconceivable to make career without the knowledge of the English or any other foreign language. Thus, the aim of the research is to analyze the role of foreign language competencies acquired at the Lithuanian Military Academy where cadets obtain qualifications and foreign language competences needed for successful career making, National and International security. Therefore, the objective of the research is how theoretically and practically resolve the issue of developing new linguistic competences in foreign languages necessary for MAL cadets through analyses of the results of the questionnaire.
In the article, with reference to the screening of M. Bulgakov’s play Ivan Vasilievich, the feasibility of utilizing film-intertexts in a foreign language course – particularly in Russian classes for foreign learners – is corroborated, and the principles of selecting them for educational purposes are determined. Screen versions of literary works are viewed as a means of familiarizing foreign students with this book. Furthermore, social discourse (from Latin discursus means “running to and from”, Compact Oxford Dictionary, Thesaurus and Wordpower Guide (2001) denotes written and spoken communications in semantics and discourse analysis. The authors of the article scrutinize L. I. Gaidai’s fiction film Ivan Vasilievich Changes Profession (1973), a screen version of Mikhail Bulgakov’s play, in regard as a film-intertext. Moreover, the authors present a great number of linguistic and cultural resources which are considered as precedential video texts. Herein, discourse serves also as a conceptual generalization of a discourse within each modality and context of communication. Sustainability of social discourse pays an indisputably significant role in the society, and its impact and genesis have long been a distinctive research object of social sciences in order to bring original discourse into the language-learning classroom which becomes a special type of discourse community in which teachers and students ideally become reflective researchers of historical evolution of the target language. Sustainability of social discourse via screen versions of literary works has become a dominant method used in the classes of foreign language teaching for it is a perfect reflection of a social language change in the public sphere and ubiquitous ideal of social change.
Straipsnyje yra pateiktas tyrimo objektas – bendradarbiavimo metodo taikymas per anglų kalbos paskaitą. Tyrimo tikslas buvo atskleisti bendradarbiavimo metodo taikymo efektyvumą LKA anglų kalbos paskaitose dirbant su II kurso kariūnais 2017–2018 m.. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad 46 iš 48 kariūnų sėkmingai pasiekė II lygį pagal pasiekimų testą. Prieš taikant bendradarbiavimo metodą, vienoje iš eksperimentinių grupių, 6 nebuvo išlaikę pasiekimų testo. Tad juos integravo į dvi mišrias grupes kartu su tais, kurie prieš tai gerai (vidutiniškai) pasiekdavo 80 proc. pasiekimo testo. Iš viso buvo 5 anglų kalbos grupės, kuriose mokėsi 48 kariūnai. Kitose trijose grupėse mokėsi kariūnai, kurių pasiekimo testo rezultatai buvo per 80 proc. Bendradarbiavimo metodo taikymas buvo integruotas į 2 grupių anglų kalbos mokymo procesą ir dalyko metodų taikymą. Šio tyrimo tikslas buvo sudaryti sąlygas tiems kariūnams, kurie turėjo problemų laikydami pasiekimo testą ir nepasiekė antrojo kalbos mokėjimo lygio. Hipotezė buvo, kad integruojant bendradarbiavimo metodą, kariūnai pasieks 80 proc. laikydami pasiekimo testą. Tad organizuojant tyrimą buvo svarbu tyrimo metodologiją parengti remiantis laisvojo ugdymo paradigma, kuri būtų pagrįsta konstruktyvizmo teorija. Konstruktyvizmas, kaip mokymo ir žinojimo teorija, yra orientuotas į besimokančiojo aktyvumo ugdymą, kurio ugdymo(si) paradigma turi būti multifunkcinė, apimanti daugybę aspektų. Užsienio kalbų mokymas pagal šią paradigmą turi būti ta erdvė, kuri paskatintų minėtų kompetencijų įgijimą ir tobulinimą. Tad tyrimas buvo organizuotas taip, kad taikomi mokymosi bendradarbiaujant metodai būtų suformuluoti kaip klausimai, pateikiant atsakymus į juos raštu ir žodžiu, skaitant ir taikant įvairias skaitymo technikas, ugdant viešą kalbėjimą, plėtojant diskutavimo ir argumentavimo gebėjimus, kurie yra vienodai svarbūs rašymui ir kalbėjimui, inicijuojant kūrybiškumą bei kritinį mąstymą, sprendžiant bendravimo niuansus, formuojant įgūdžius kaupti, atsirinkti ir sisteminti informaciją. Organizuojant tyrimą taip pat buvo akcentuojama projektų metodo svarba, kuri buvo reikšminga kaip universalus metodas, ugdantis atsakomybę už savo individualaus darbo rezultatus ir pagyvinantis mokymosi procesą.
The article analyses the notion of implementation of visual aids as a part of second language learning strategies (SLLS). Moreover, the article highlights the implementation of visual aids via multimedia in teaching the second language at the Military Academy of Lithuania (MAL) by applying the questionnaire for English language teachers and learners involved in English language learning and acquisition at the MAL. For this purpose of the research, the diagnostic questions were developed by using validated and reliable questionnaires such as the Revised Study Process Questionnaire (R-SPQ-2F) and the Learner-Teacher Motivation (STM) questionnaire in terms of the implementation of visual aids in the SL learning and acquisition curriculum process. The analysis of the advantages of this method implementation into learning process is presented in the article, as well as the requirements and recommendations for authentic audio-visual materials on the basis of multimedia applied for the realization of pedagogical case study in a regular academic curriculum content and the technology of methodological development of authentic video or audio material for the achievement tests. The objective of the research is presented and described on the basis of the research. The research showed the significance of effectiveness of implementation of visual aids methods into the second language learning for they economize teaching, learning and acquisition time and increase motivation of both teachers and learners necessary to stimulate and boost psychological traits of a learner, such as verbal memory, behavior, positive emotions and others indispensable for participating in the language learning process and acquisition. Thus, the object of the research is based on visual aids as a part of SLLS alleviating and facilitating SL learning and acquisition by implementing visual aids as a part of SL learning strategies.
The aim of the research is to apply visual aids as direct strategy in the language learning process as a part of SLLS used in the acquisition of a SL. Based on the theoretical and methodological SL learning approach of direct and indirect learning strategies, the methods of visual aids were chosen as the best means to accomplish the aim: to achieve the best effect of the SL learning and acquisition via implementing visual aids as a part of the SL learning strategies. In order to conduct the already set objectives of the research and to test the hypotheses of the research, the questionnaire was used to collect the required data. Moreover, besides the questionnaire data, the data of log observation sheets, pull-out focus groups, checklists, achievement tests and surveys of learners were analyzed too.
The article scrutinizes the importance of sustaining secure ambience for cadets of the Military Academy of Lithuania (MAL) via balancing emotions and perception in attaining accelerated second language learning and acquisition. This Confluent approach to the second language learning and acquisition was constructed by the teachers of MAL to facilitate and accelerate the second language learning and acquisition of the learners via sustaining secure ambience through balancing their emotions and cognitive features necessary for gaining best effect of second learning and acquisition. Consequently, the already constructed Confluent (holistic, emotionally and cognitively balanced) second foreign language learning and acquisition approach, will significantly sustain secure ambience for the learners which will lead to accelerated foreign language learning and acquisition. In terms of verification of this hypothesis, the research was carried out with cadets of the Military Academy of Lithuania. Experimentally achieved results are presented in the article.
Nowadays an active search for new methods and techniques of teaching foreign languages is taking place very intensively. That meets the current state of methodological science and the rapid development of the world community as a whole. Intensive technologization and computerization of all spheres of human life, which led to creation of a firm habit of young people to perceive information from the screen, led to the active penetration of audiovisual means of learning in the system of education at schools and universities. Authentic video and various videos created by methodologists specifically for educational purposes are used more and more frequently in the process of foreign language teaching. The use of video clips at the foreign language lessons perfectly suits to the tasks which foreign language teachers face in the context of the development of active multilingualism in the Lithuanian society. The article highlights the use of audiovisual method in teaching the second foreign languages at the Military Academy of Lithuania. The analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of this method is also produced as well as the requirements for authentic audiovisual materials which can be used for educational purposes and the technology of methodological development of authentic video material for its use in foreign language course. The authors emphasize that this method allows economizing learning time and intensifying the educational process.