Crime has been a common phenomenon for a long time, but its scope and operation are changing, and this is largely dependent on technological progress. We dealt with the development of crime and its negative effects in Poland during the political transformation process that took place after 1989. At that time, law enforcement agencies were not fully able to cope with this practice, and society painfully felt its effects. Many times, innocent people have faced several types of criminal acts. The main reasons that could have influenced the development of crime were social disorganization, lowering of the standard of living, unemployment, as well as visible and constantly deepening social differentiation. The most important task of law enforcement agencies protecting state borders is to provide citizens with basic forms of security so that they feel peaceful in their area of residence. The services should cooperate with each other at every level of securing state borders and protect citizens against any threats. The aim of the article is to analyze the impact of crimes on state security and the role of the Border Guard in securing the state border. The Border Guard plays a key role in this respect, therefore it should have the widest possible range of instruments enabling it to fulfill its duties in this area. This service proves every day that it has an enormous impact on the sense of security of citizens, and counteracting various threats, including crime, is a key element of the security of our country.
The mass influx of refugees from Ukraine to Poland, caused by Russia’s aggression on February 24, 2022, has resulted in the application of solutions in the field of refugee law on a massive, unprecedented scale. Previously developed Polish regulations regarding the rules for granting protection to this category of people turned out to be insufficient, and the legislator decided to immediately develop new solutions for the protection of refugees from Ukraine, which were included in the Act of March 12, 2022 on assistance to citizens of Ukraine in relation to an armed conflict on the territory of that country. The provisions of this legal act constitute lex specialis in relation to the Act of June 13, 2003 on granting protection to foreigners in the territory of the Republic of Poland. The article defines a general outline of the so-called refugee law, also from a historical perspective, and includes an analysis of Polish regulations in the field of granting temporary protection to Ukrainian citizens in relation to the European Union standards. The correctness of such solutions was also evaluated.
The protection of state security by the legal standards of the criminal law is one of the key, the legally protected interests including the cybersecurity in the sectors of critical infrastructure transport (road, air transport, ship, and rail), electronic communications, energy, information and communication technologies, post, industry, water and atmosphere, health. Today’s empirical empowerment confirms that the security is a significant multidimensional factor of the quality of society and citizen’s life, which we have to systematically examine, forecast and ensure. The contribution presents the defined security interests of the state in the framework of new strategic documents of the Slovak Republic in the comparison with the current standards of the criminal law for the protection of state security within the material and non-material components of the defence potential of the state.
Public administration in the conditions of the Slovak Republic contributes to a great extent to ensuring the internal and external security of the state. In the following article, the author deals with the relationship between public administration and public service as terms closely related. Author takes the view, that the basic characteristic of the concept of public service is based on its formal criterion, from work to the benefit of a legal person governed by public law (state, municipality, public corporation). He submits that a civil servant may be considered to be any employee employed by a legal person governed by public law as a civil servant only as an employee employed by the State. The concept of public service has the character of a complex legal institution intervening in several sectors of our rule of law (constitutional law, administrative law, labour law).
State security in the contex of different legal regimes used for state governance has been considered in this article. Administrative juridical regimes have particular role in policing in context of human rights observance.
Different administrative juridical regimes are described in this article. Special attention has been converted to classification of these regimens in dependence of mechanism of coming in force of them. Author pointed that police have rights to take decision of implementations of restrictions in the cases of extraordinary situations. In these situations in democratic states must be observed the principle of proportionality.