The mass influx of refugees from Ukraine to Poland, caused by Russia’s aggression on February 24, 2022, has resulted in the application of solutions in the field of refugee law on a massive, unprecedented scale. Previously developed Polish regulations regarding the rules for granting protection to this category of people turned out to be insufficient, and the legislator decided to immediately develop new solutions for the protection of refugees from Ukraine, which were included in the Act of March 12, 2022 on assistance to citizens of Ukraine in relation to an armed conflict on the territory of that country. The provisions of this legal act constitute lex specialis in relation to the Act of June 13, 2003 on granting protection to foreigners in the territory of the Republic of Poland. The article defines a general outline of the so-called refugee law, also from a historical perspective, and includes an analysis of Polish regulations in the field of granting temporary protection to Ukrainian citizens in relation to the European Union standards. The correctness of such solutions was also evaluated.
The analysis of the training needs for the crews of police multi-purpose Black Hawk S70i helicopters serving in Polish Police Forces has been an impulse to attempt the construction of the simulation system within the research and development project financed by the National Centre for Research and Development entitled “Helicopter Simulator for Police Aviation” consisting of three components, i.e. a training stand for a pilot (cockpit), a stand for a cargo handler, a training stand for the police officers practicing the air drop operations. The simulator is supposed to provide an opportunity to drill various emergency situations, which consequently will allow to prepare the crews and technical personnel in the full range to perform the tasks as far as theoretical knowledge and practical skills are concerned. Replacing real exercises by the training held in virtual environment will contribute to the decreased costs to be incurred by Police and increased safety for any persons participating in the actions remaining the subject matters of the said trainings. The article presents the designing assumptions resulting, among other things, from multidisciplinary research performed over the determination of the detailed training needs and equipment requirements with regards to the Full Flight Simulator. The said research was conducted in collaboration with the officers of the Police Aviation Board in the High Command of the Police Headquarters as well as the operators of the counter terrorism sub-units of Polish Police Forces.
Employee training is a systematic activity implemented in a hierarchical organization to which the police belong. It is therefore necessary to properly manage this system at the appropriate level, because it has a positive impact on the level of social security. Staff training and development are increasingly appreciated by organizations, especially those that implement a country’s security policy. The purpose of the study is to present the essence of training and improving Police employees, which in turn will allow to develop a model for such training and its management as one of the most important tasks of the personnel departments. Management in this area plays an important role in setting directions for the development of employees’ potential and effectively facilitates the introduction of any changes that will be reflected in the work effectively performed by officers.
Securing of a democratic order is a vertical process (“from above downwards”) responding to the needs and concerns of certain persons and community groups and looking for the public trust, consent and support. Thus it is based on transparency and dialogue. There are social scientific and moral debates over what practices are most conducive to a democratic police (e.g., centralization vs. decentralization, specialists vs. generalists, internal vs. external controls, closeness or distance from those policed, maximum or minimum discretion, single vs. lateral entry). But it is clear that a democratic police can take many forms.
Public administration in the conditions of the Slovak Republic contributes to a great extent to ensuring the internal and external security of the state. In the following article, the author deals with the relationship between public administration and public service as terms closely related. Author takes the view, that the basic characteristic of the concept of public service is based on its formal criterion, from work to the benefit of a legal person governed by public law (state, municipality, public corporation). He submits that a civil servant may be considered to be any employee employed by a legal person governed by public law as a civil servant only as an employee employed by the State. The concept of public service has the character of a complex legal institution intervening in several sectors of our rule of law (constitutional law, administrative law, labour law).