Journal:Karo archyvas
Volume 38, Issue 1 (2023), pp. 162–188
Vilnius per savo ilgą istoriją ne kartą nukentėjo nuo svetimų kariuomenių plėšimų ir sukeltų gaisrų. XX a. miestą niokojo karai, kuriuos lydėjo badas, užkrečiamosios ligos ir kitos nelaimės. Antrasis pasaulinis karas Vilniui ir jo gyventojams turėjo didelių neigiamų ir negrįžtamų padarinių. Remiantis istoriniais šaltiniais ir istoriografija straipsnyje nagrinėjamas mūšių dėl Vilniaus etapas (1944 m. liepos 6–13 d.), aptariami juose dalyvavusių karinių pajėgų (Vokietijos kariuomenės, lenkų pogrindinės organizacijos Armijos Krajovos (lenk. Armia Krajowa,(AK) ir Raudonosios armijos1 tikslai ir uždaviniai, mūšių dinamika, jų padariniai miestui ir jo gyventojams, nustatomas apytikslis žuvusių, sužeistų ir į nelaisvę patekusių karių skaičius.
This article highlights the issue of national security through the lens of literature development. Since the information war has been going on against Ukraine for a long time, the instruments of influence on the consciousness of the population are constantly changing and the forms and methods of information dissemination are being improved, we decided to investigate the literary sources created during the Anti-terrorist Operation / Joint Forces Operation (further - ATO/JFO) period in order to highlight the trends of opinion formation. We used content analysis methods as a basis. The analyzed source base confirmed the thesis that fake and post-truth are artificially created and manipulative-imitation technologies that Putinists use for hybrid warfare. By imposing the post-truth era on the international community, the Kremlin regime creates a reality where emotions are dominated by facts. Thus, Russia's information strategy is based solely on the needs of the lower order.
The relevance of this article is based on the aim to fulfil the lack of understanding of public perception on nuclear energy in Lithuania. The results of the empirical survey (public poll carried out in 2013) are used to explain the public perception of nuclear energy and its contextual aspects (safety, economic benefit, possible new challenges, personal knowledge). To show the distribution of the attitude among the public cluster analysis was performed through which respondents were divided into two groups. The 1st cluster represents that part of the public which is well educated, actively working and actively contributing to the state economy. Meanwhile the 2nd is less educated, less active economically and more dependent on social security programs part of the public. The cluster analysis reveals small, but statistically significant differences in attitude between the clusters.
This paper aims at determining the strategic priorities for Romanian decision makers after the Brexit. The survey shows that they perceive the development of the rural regions, education and energy management as the main challenges for the next planning period. A comparison between the performance of Romania and the rest of the EU in these areas for the periods before and after Romania accession to EU confirm the opinion of the participants. The research also presents the respondents’ opinion in regard to what can be done better to absorb the European funds and to develop economy in a sustainable way. Brexit phenomenon is being analyzed and discussed; recommendations and policy implications for Romania provided.
The paper presents research which investigates the implications of national culture and organizational culture in the Lithuanian and Russian SMEs. While much of the attention has been given to organizational culture in large companies, little research has been focused on organizational and national culture in SMEs. The research is based on the main ideas of Hofstede’s framework of seven cultural dimensions and Denison’s cultural model, which measures culture in organizations with four major traits, such as involvement, consistency, adaptability, and mission. The quantitative research is based on responses to a questionnaire embracing various aspects of national and organizational culture. The authors of the research have elaborated proposals for further research.