Mediation is an example of one of the alternative methods of resolving legal disputes. Its use is becoming more and more common, and the very idea of using mediation institutions to resolve legal disputes brings many benefits to conflicting parties, which include speed of proceedings or its cheaper costs. On the basis of national legislation, mediation has become a universal institution because it has been regulated in both public and private law. The next step of the legislator was to equip the mediator in civil matters with various methods through which he can conduct mediation proceedings. Therefore, the mediator conducts mediation using various methods aimed at amicable settlement of the dispute, including by supporting the parties in formulating their settlement submissions or at the mutual request of the parties, it may also indicate ways of resolving the dispute which are not binding for the parties. However, the success of mediation is determined not only by the will of the parties, but also by the way the mediator conducts this procedure, which is characteristic of the conflict management formula. In turn, the instruments at the disposal of the mediator in civil matters, in addition to their real impact on increasing the number of mediation proceedings and settlements concluded before the mediator, which is an example of the desired solution, also imply other legal consequences, including optimization of the costs of the process. Therefore, in addition to financial benefits for parties benefiting from mediation by the society, it is worth considering the methods of conducting this procedure in civil matters, which are examples of tools for managing legal security.
Information today is becoming increasingly important, especially in the era of progressive computerization and advancements in the area of computer technology. At the same time, there are also increasingly more threats to this category, of which the most important are criminal offenses against information protection. These are enforced by competent state authorities whose activity is necessary to maintain the proper level of security. The article deals mainly with the phenomenon of crime involving infringement of information, and its scale, using for this purpose the statistical data collected by the Polish National Police Headquarters.
Romania’s membership of NATO and the European Union has many advantages, but also risks for each of them. Romania continues to strengthen its position and role within NATO and the EU. Romania has shown that it is a loyal and credible partner in its relationship with all international organizations. Romania’s strategic documents with NATO and the EU are well structured and clear. These include mission, vision, strategic objectives and ways of cooperating with each other, as well as the financial, material, human and informational resources needed to implement them. The objective of our research was to identify the main threats, risks and vulnerabilities of Romania as a NATO member state. The analysis has led to the discovery of new ways of reducing risks and threats, as well as solving the major vulnerabilities of Romania. The research is based on the National Defense Strategy, the Romanian Armed Forces Endowment Plan for the period 2019-2028 and other strategic documents underpinning the development of the cooperation between Romania and NATO. Within the analysis process the main threats, risks and vulnerabilities of Romania in relation to NATO were identified. Based on the analysis carried out, several ways of action are proposed through which Romania can strengthen its defense and security capabilities. The results of the research are relevant both theoretically and practically because they show the major changes that Romania has made after entering NATO and the exceptional performances achieved both in the development of the defense and security capability and in fulfilling the commitments assumed by Romania with NATO and other organizations it belongs to.
A set of criteria has been substantiated for evaluating the effectiveness of the implementation of the functions of the mechanism for ensuring the leadership effectiveness of the managerial staff of enterprises. The set gives a chance to make a comprehensive evaluation of the integral indicator of human resource management. This makes it possible to determine the effectiveness level of human resource management. The study carried out allowed to propose a functional and structural approach that includes the following functions: analysis and planning of personnel, recruitment and selection of personnel, attestation and evaluation of personnel, organization of labor relations, motivational support, creation of working conditions, information provision, development and training of personnel. Under uncertainty, its application makes it possible to evaluate the impact of the effectiveness of the human resource management on the level of productivity of the studied enterprises.
Educating on the revenue enhancement system in state-supported finance is likely an essential issue for the country’s development. This content changes public sector and the sustainability of citizens’ lives; therefore, a significant focus on the broad improvement of finance studies is essential. Furthermore, the activity could be organized in connection with the applicable higher education programs. On the other hand, financial management education is treated differently in different countries. It is becoming increasingly important that such a discussion does not directly benefit common development of financial education in recent years. One of the possible ways to deal with personal finances in different economic conditions could be changing students’ attitude to finance knowledge at universities. Young people could be supported by financial education programs that are clearly incorporated into their undergraduate or postgraduate courses. The correct management of these programs helps to improve students and cadets learning experience and the economic wellbeing. Moreover, the learning based on public administration and public finance probably educates patriots of the country and people intolerant to non-transparent activities of public servants. Eventually, the best way to determine the country’s consolidated tax paid by natural and legal persons could be the tax burden rate. Likewise, the financial data supplied to the main European statistics authority by national statistical institutions sometimes can be slightly incorrect. Therefore, even more important issue could be an ordinary citizen living only from the income related to labour relations (or corresponding relations of income) and having an obviously higher tax burden.
Another crucial task of the paper is to reveal how taxation, public debt and spending and fiscal policy are perceived by the citizens. In addition, it also tries to respond to questioning about the financial and economic importance on financial education. Furthermore, the theoretical task of the paper is to show the size of the government debt, its service and expenditure in Lithuania and Latvia during the last crisis in 2008. Therefore, it is possible to consider the increase of direct taxes burden by almost twice comparing to the formally announced country’s tax burden. However, additional tax burden includes hidden taxes related to the aggregated spending of an individuals’ income. In an average case, the tax burden for an ordinary employee could come near to two-thirds of the gross yearly income. Then, the overpaid debt services can be very sensitive given to the assumption that an ordinary worker has an approximately adequate level of financial and economic education. The perception of tax burden can encourage each citizen of the country to be responsible for all public servant activities and budget planning processes. Public revenue enhancement is often difficult due to the use of the same concept of taxes as fixed costs for public sector when a person directly receives nothing but additional payments for the majority of public sector services. Therefore, the confusion of terms is fairly constant, which once again shows the need for public finances literacy in all areas of study programs for students or cadets. An authorized Lithuania’s tax burden has comprised less than thirty percent of the country’s nominal gross domestic product in recent years. Nevertheless, political leaders and socalled experts suggest the necessity for increasing Lithuania’s accumulated tax burden. However, there may be a fundamental mistake that social insurance and compulsory health insurance contributions to the funds are not calculated into private individuals and legal entities tax burden. Fortunately, the last year’s budget considered social payments as part of tax revenues. Unfortunately, there are diminutive amount of signs in the continuity of Lithuania’s fiscal policy in the 21st century.
Despite the rising recognition and a growing body of literature on sustainability issues in the military, no comprehensive and systematic review on the topic has been published yet. Accordingly, the aim of this paper was to deconstruct the topic of sustainability in the military context by exploring its genesis, state-of-the-art knowledge and future prospects. Furthermore, the study addressed the question of practical importance about where sustainability in the military is ad hoc or institutionalized into management processes and procedures of organizations. The paper relied on the systematic literature review and used a bibliometric data analysis: citation network and keyword network analysis techniques were employed to select, analyse and interpret the genesis and prospects in the field.
The data suggest there are three dominating research streams in the field: (1) environmentally sustainable solutions, (2) economic (un) sustainability of militarization and (3) social cohesion. The recent research on sustainability in the military marks a new trend where all three fields of sustainability are being integrated. It is also apparent form the analysis that a small but significant share of publications indicates institutionalization of sustainability in the military practice. This is particularly evident in relation to environmental issues.
National finance sustainability is likely an essential issue for the country’s development. These aggregated perceptions change the nation’s public sector and the security of citizens’ lives. Therefore, a significant focus on the broad improvement of finance studies could be an essential issue. Besides, that activity could be organized in connection with the applicable higher education programs. On the other hand, the government’s finance management understanding is treated differently in various countries. That is becoming increasingly essential condition that such a discussion does not directly benefit the common development of financial education in recent years. One of the possible ways to deal with personal finances in different economic conditions could be changing attitudes to finance knowledge among top management in universities. The young people could be supported by financial education programs that are clearly incorporated into their underground or postgraduate courses. The correct management of these programs helps to improve student learning experience and the economic well-being. Moreover, the learning based on the transparent public administration believably educate patriots of the country and the peoples’ intolerance to non-transparent activities of public servants. The other important task of the paper is to reveal how public debt and public spending management could influence the issues of fiscal policy sustainability. In addition, this paper also tries to clarify questions about economic importance on financial education in the all levels of studies. Furthermore, the theoretical task of the paper is to show the size of the government debt, government debt service and expenditure in Lithuania and Latvia, during the last crisis in the first decade of the twenty first century. Then the overpaid debt services can be given to the hypothesis that an ordinary individual has less than EU average standard of financial and/or economical education. This conceptualization of the tax burden can encourage each citizen of the country to be responsible for the public servants’ activity and for the transparency of a budget planning process. The public revenue improvement is a really challenging procedure. Since using the same concept of taxes as fixed costs for public sector when person directly received nothing, but additional payments for the majority of public sector services. Therefore, confusion of terms is fairly constant, which once again shows the need for public finances literacy in the all areas of study programs for scholars. An authorized Lithuania’s tax burden usually comprises more than thirty percent from the country’s nominal gross domestic product in recent years. Nevertheless, political leaders and experts are suggesting the necessity of increasing Lithuania’s accumulated tax burden. However, there may be a fundamental mistake that social insurance contributions and compulsory health insurance contributions to the funds are not calculated into private individuals and legal entities tax burden. Fortunately the last year’s budget already considers social payments as a part of tax revenues. Unfortunately there are diminutive amount of signs in the continuity of Lithuania’s fiscal policy in the twenty first century.
The paper presents a calculation technique and projections on the indices of social efficiency of sustainable land management. The relevance of this study is determined by the authors’ technique measuring social, economic and environmental efficiency parity, and its implementation prospects in the context of more sustainable land management in Ukraine as a country that has tremendous potential for its use with a potential worldwide impact on food markets. The paper is aimed at presenting the technique of projecting social efficiency of land management in the context of sustainable development. Projections about the integral efficiency of land management are made according to the developed criteria (productivity, motivation, consistency) using the map of projected effects using conventional and relative, as well as absolute input parameters. This enables improved information support during the formation of national sustainable development strategy of land relations development. The authors substantiate the methodological approaches to planning parameters of land use in dynamics, which are based on determining the impact, including social one, and evaluation of social efficiency of sustainable land management, which allow diagnostics at meso- and macroeconomic scale and can also become tools for scenario modeling.
By introducing new international standards into management systems, most enterprises obtain recognition by the market participants relative to different aspects of their activity. At the same time, problems with the enterprise units management arise rather often. The primary intent of this research is identifying the technical approaches aimed at creating an integrated Quality Management System (QMS) for the food enterprise, which reflects the branch specificity and is based on international standards ISO 9000 and HACCP principles. The paper presents the possible benefits for the food industry originating by the introduction of an integrated QMS based on the analysis carried-out analysis on modern QMS trends. Additionally we present the generalized results of the researches conducted on the “Process model of Raimbek Agro Company”. Finally, a technique for the assessment of productivity and continuous improvement of QMS is developed. Originality/value: the developed technique for productivity assessment and continuous improvement of QMS allows to establish causal relationships between planned and reached results, thus highlighting the effects. The introduction of an Integrated Quality Management System (IQMS) will enable the enterprise to meet the present-day market requirements and to ensure the competitive goods production.
Present world has no clear balance between economic and political forces. Conflict initiators use all possible sanctions and unconventional means and ways and have no clear and permanent structure and allies. Traditional leadership and actions in conflict zones are not effective. Complex dynamic systems (CDS) paradigm allows understanding better the essence of chaotic processes in conflict zones and acting efficiently.