A set of criteria has been substantiated for evaluating the effectiveness of the implementation of the functions of the mechanism for ensuring the leadership effectiveness of the managerial staff of enterprises. The set gives a chance to make a comprehensive evaluation of the integral indicator of human resource management. This makes it possible to determine the effectiveness level of human resource management. The study carried out allowed to propose a functional and structural approach that includes the following functions: analysis and planning of personnel, recruitment and selection of personnel, attestation and evaluation of personnel, organization of labor relations, motivational support, creation of working conditions, information provision, development and training of personnel. Under uncertainty, its application makes it possible to evaluate the impact of the effectiveness of the human resource management on the level of productivity of the studied enterprises.
Nowadays an active search for new methods and techniques of teaching foreign languages is taking place very intensively. That meets the current state of methodological science and the rapid development of the world community as a whole. Intensive technologization and computerization of all spheres of human life, which led to creation of a firm habit of young people to perceive information from the screen, led to the active penetration of audiovisual means of learning in the system of education at schools and universities. Authentic video and various videos created by methodologists specifically for educational purposes are used more and more frequently in the process of foreign language teaching. The use of video clips at the foreign language lessons perfectly suits to the tasks which foreign language teachers face in the context of the development of active multilingualism in the Lithuanian society. The article highlights the use of audiovisual method in teaching the second foreign languages at the Military Academy of Lithuania. The analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of this method is also produced as well as the requirements for authentic audiovisual materials which can be used for educational purposes and the technology of methodological development of authentic video material for its use in foreign language course. The authors emphasize that this method allows economizing learning time and intensifying the educational process.
L’Europe est caractérisée par le multilinguisme depuis les temps les plus anciens jusqu’à maintenant. Le plurilinguisme et le multiculturalisme, c’est la base et la particularité de l’identité européenne. La politique linguistique des institutions européennes occupe une place importante en Europe et notamment en Lituanie où la moyenne des gens maitrisant deux ou trois langues étrangères est plus élevée que celle dans l’UE. Or, le nombre de francophones ici est moins enlevé que la moyenne européenne. Il se présente avantageux d’examiner le point de vue des étudiants lituaniens de l’Académie militaire de Lituanie, de l’université de Vilnius et du Centre de la formation des douaniers concernant leur motivation d’apprendre le français qui est un facteur décisif lors du processus éducatif. La desription et l’analyse des réponses des enquêtes liées à l’apprentissages du français ou d’autres langues dans des universités, l’Académie et un centre de la formation en Lituanie permet de dévoiler les facteurs principaux du choix linguistique des étudiants lituaniens.
L’enseignant moderne doit tout d’abord créer des conditions favorables à l’apprentissage en aidant l’apprenant à attendre ses objectifs. Il y a un grand choix de méthodes et de possibilités pour apprendre le français langue étrangère, par ex., l’enseignement hybride, la mémorisation verbale ou des activités théâtrales. Le but principal de toutes ces approches est de soutenir l’autonomie, la réflexion logique, l’intégration et la participation active des apprenants. Le processus éducatif moderne envisage une collaboration et une interaction active entre l’enseignant et l’apprenant. L’enseignant de français, en se basant sur des méthodes actives et sa créativité, doit prendre en compte les différences concernant le niveau linguistique, l’expérience et l’autonomie des individus ainsi que les objectifs communs et personnels.
Effective employee motivation needs leaders who are able to formulate visions of incentive programs and who have positive influence on employees. Leaders are able to analyse the environment regarding the level of motivation, barriers to motivation and are able to develop an effective motivation system. A motivation system refers to a system illustrating basic motives, motivation preferences, intentions and priorities, incentives being applied and their effects. The authors of the paper attempt to assess the level of employee motivation in a trading company and its relation to work performance. The research was conducted in the months of September–December 2016 and 213 respondents were asked to fill out the questionnaire. A Pareto chart was used illustrate the research results.
The United States of America and the United Kingdom with the assistance of other NATO and non-NATO states initiated an international counter terrorism campaign the War on Terror (also known as the Global War on Terror (GWOT)). However, after more than ten years the War on Terror is still in the active stage. The pivotal issue regarding counter-terrorism actions in Afghanistan, considering how much money and energy spent on them, is whether such actions are effective or not. Dynamic system simulation approach was used to investigate interactions between counter-terrorism strategies used in Afghanistan (in the context of coalition strength) and the effectiveness of these strategies (in the context of terrorist strength). Data form different sources over a ten-year-period was used for analysis (2000–2010). It was found dynamic relation between recruitment rate of terrorist and coalition manpower that depends on time adjustments. However, further research is needed to get more precise results in finding causal loops in counter-terrorism system, thus this study should be evaluated only as a framework in further similar researches.